Both of them could vanish overnight and the world will keep turning.
What could possibly go wrong?
What a dick. The only way he’ll stop this behavior is when he finally picks a fight with the wrong person and has is ass handed to him.
Oh man I would daily the hell out of this!
Among the improvements they failed to mention whether or not the most important was made - correct rudder size.
Why? Because he can. This in no way implies that he should, but he can.
Oh man I would daily the hell out of that, 16 large or not.
What did you think of Alice’s and (by extension) Skyline Drive? My fiancee and I ride our bikes up there a lot and we love it.
There sure is a wrong way. Just this morning on my way to work (at 5:30) the flow of traffic was moving along at a nice 75 mph, and three complete toolbags came bombing along, splitting lanes at a much higher rate of the dark.
Is it still my father’s Toyota?
How is there not a band called Highway Gothic?
So glad I rarely fly.
I love it when an actor whose notoriety stems from portraying such a derp turns out to be a solid gear head. I’ll have to give the new TG a chance.
Cecil “Bubba” Myers, huh? This whole thing is going to start with, “Hold my beer and watch this!”
Great ad. In my experience, big ticket items sell better when the ad is fun to read. I had a 2002 Jeep for sale last spring and I never got any bites until I rewrote the ad and made it entertaining. It sold that weekend.
I bought it (2014 SE model) mostly for commuting, though we’ve taken a couple long trips in it, so overall it does a great job for its purpose. Agree with you on the body roll though (to me) it’s not overly terrible, but the mileage is excellent, and there is indeed tons of tech.
Dear video maker,
For sure. I recently bought a Fusion (which I love) and if future me had told decade-ago me that I’d one day buy a Ford, I’d have kicked my own ass.