Soos, Handyman of the Apocalypse

Lesson to be learned here: Mexican fans don’t fuck around.

Uh, not according to what everyone else is saying. You sure you watched the race at all?

Let’s not forget that Baltimore spent the 2014 offseason redoing the entire seating arrangement within Camden Yards; specifically, they removed all seating to install “larger” seats.

All that needs to be said, Wyshynski...

I’m going to say that he’s really more of a fan of Altar Bridge than he is of Creed, only because Altar Bridge is just Creed without Scott Stapp.

Honestly, have you ever actually **SEEN** Dan Snyder? Yeah, he can have all the money and power in the world, but when you come to the realization he’s a overly cocksure midget, that totally negates the perceived power he has.

Sad part is that McEnroe could still kick your ass...unprovoked.

I believe that’s what the experts refer to as “dark magic”.

No holds barred cage match between the two. Winner also has to wear this shirt:

If United doesn’t win, they won’t make it up. They still need to play the actual game to ensure that it occurs.

So, how are they going to make this match up? Something akin to that game they had in Baltimore last year, where the teams and staff showed up, but the stadium itself was closed to the general public? Genuinely curious.

Straight up filthy. I LOVE IT.

With regards to Penn State (and I speak as an alumnus and somewhat area native), part of what allowed Sandusky to operate was his own charity, The Second Mile. I’d even venture to say that if there was any sort of paper trail, THAT’S where you’d start to look.

Well, that save probably cost Holtby the Vezina. Also:

Smokin’ hot taek there, Barry.

RIP especially to Roger Sterling’s EPIC pornstache. I’m going to miss that thing of beauty.

That’s the only shitty part about this. Pirates finally happen to find their handle on the Cards, and can’t fucking solve the Cubs.

I’m just ashamed this tomfoolery was sponsored by the Pennsylvania Lottery, and the senior citizens they (supposedly) support everyday.

+1...because I see what you did there...