
My favorite theme room is ‘hollywood marriage gone wrong’. That means, knife slashes and blood/vomit stains on the walls, bullet holes in the furniture, bits of skull on the floor, and sundry.

I am against guns. I prefer to have a club and a mace, possibly a chainsaw as well, everything in place, for the first person to start a covid discussion.

Something you wrote,turned you gray.

I keep Android 12 AWAY from my Pixel 3a. it ruined the aesthetic that I’d come to like, moved ***t around in spots, mostly it slowed the phone. So long as I have this particulaar phone, it will not see an Android system update.

.... guaranteed to break the ice of host and guests alike :-)

uBlock here. I don’t leave home without it. : )

Can I come to dinner? I can play for my supper, I can set and clear the table, I can help wash dishes... most of all, I am a professional guitarist. I’m not bragging or anything. I will provide the atmosphere. It’s just that I can’t cook worth a ***t.

Well... why not just say “Roger drank like a fish, just like the lush that he always is.”

Here’s a little word pet peeve— “suprise”. I’ve seen it lots, hate it, almost hate the person who flubs it up. English was not meant to be fkkt with in this way.

Just slightly off topic, you’ll maybe have to check your dark mode settings whenever you restart your phone. On both my Note 9 and Pixel 3a, you have to go into ‘developer options’ to make sure that the (force dark mode) toggle isn’t off, or whatever they might call it.

Some programs, like Amazon Shopping have to be

I have it easy. Decoration amounts to one 2.5 foot tree, covered with a plastic tarp throughout the year, ornaments and all. There isn’t much to do after unveiling, just check the branches are how you want, and that nothing has fallen off the tree.

Hmm... Out of curiosity, wasn’t there once an automated folders program for ‘windows? Maybe it’s still out there. It just came to mind after reading the article. You could carry out various actions based on what the file(s) were...type, date, name etc. It was hardly as advanced as this one from Dropbox, still just

Just sayin here. I’m ocd over dishes. They get washed almost immediately, or fridge’d if still containing something edible for later.

I used to really delve into slobbery. My life had gone to &&&t all around me while I looked online for the love of my life. And there was a mountain, I swear, a mountain of dishes that

Dirt Devil, wherever possible. They don’t have much suction, but they get the crumbs and the littler stones brought inside by somebody’s shoes. DD will also give crawling bugs the hellest experience of their lives.

No notch. No cutout. No pinhole. I hope my eyes aren’t playing tricks. I hate those things.

no one crosses this bridge by me, unless they pay my apple tax

That’s 38, in real degrees. ftfy.

But the toaster DOES! It’s all the dirty work of the Chinese. I read that somewhere.

If you don’t set it up, it sets up itself--- and everybody knows it--- especially the government!!!          : )

The Mask? Maybe?