
Hey folks, I’m really really sorry that this is off topic, but I am desparate for help, in finding some old friends I had here at what used to be Gawker Media.

But of course you’d lapdog for Apple at the tippy top. I was expecting it.

The adults are all wrong. The news has made that plain enough.

I think it’s just nuts to drag kids into any kind of partisan politics. Just leave them alone. If there’s any dragging to be done, they’ll do it themselves in time.

I like honey.

I think you have a hate-on for Apple, and you will be dealt with.    :  )

She’s currently self medicating with a crack pipe and a Texas mickey of Scotch.

I see that click baiting is alive and well on LH.

I see that click baiting is alive and well on LH.

Isn’t that what she said?

That’s 8 letters.

Somebody mentioned giving apps “room to breathe”. Your hardware, as it stands right now, needs that room as well. Consider the bloated software you’re running, then think about skinnier apps to replace at least some of the hogs. I just finished giving the boot to Firefox and replaced it with Opera, a browser that runs

But Lifehacker is the place where weirdos find their home. And a lot of us aren’t Aquarians. What’s up with that?

And they forgot yet another one--- being slowly crushed to death by Amazon boxes.

Google is God. That is all.

You’re just a stinky dumb head who uses Android. That’s your problem.  : ))

The Sun sets in the east. While there, it does a 3way with the Moon and Venus. It’s true!

Really? Widgets? Apple wouldn’t know a widget if a missile launcher sent one up its anus.

What? You have to update the whole damn OS? Pisser.

In this day and age, strokes are usually caused by swearing at your computer once too often.