“...I can sit in a metal or wooden chair in a cat house for an hour or two and be ok though. ... “
You don’t go into a cat house to just *sit* there. They’ll throw you out!
: ) )
“...I can sit in a metal or wooden chair in a cat house for an hour or two and be ok though. ... “
You don’t go into a cat house to just *sit* there. They’ll throw you out!
: ) )
I just take off my clothes to distract people.
If you kill a pimple, one or two more will show up for the funeral.
The notch imo is ugly, no matter what phone it’s on.
What gets me is that Apple has often hollered and boasted so loudly about aesthetics, visual ones, but they were first to bust up that rule in a big way.
Google sinned even more, with the latest Pixel line. It’s an eyesore. It has to go. Google should have known…
You make a good case.
sit-ups. I’m a backslider, no pun meant.
No. Women can’t have these. They’d use them for dirty sex applications.
No. Women can’t have these. They’d use them for dirty sex applications.
Maybe I just missed it in the list of shortcuts. Was wondering what k does. ?
An app can’t, but a nap can.
Ok I have a joke, relates to this... sort of...
Q: What does it mean when night comes to the farm?
A: It’s pasture bedtime.
Q: What does it mean when a non slouching person gets ready for sleep?
A: It’s posture bedtime.
Q: What does it mean when you find your sheets wet in the morning?
A: It’s pisture bedtime.
Ok I have a joke, relates to this... sort of...
Q: What does it mean when night comes to the farm?
A: It’s pasture…
tinnnnn ---- HUTTT!! Disss misssed!!!!!!!!
tinnnnn ---- HUTTT!! Disss misssed!!!!!!!!
Probably nothing. It was maybe that he wanted a private space in his life. Everybody has that right.
I had hoped that glass was better, as it turns back into sand eventually.
editor alchemy, that’s how. : )
I’m not adding much to the discussion. I just wanted to say I was doing *some* things right, all these years. Everything would get the plug out....ethernet, coax, electrical... everything that mattered to me in the place. I wasn’t about to become one of the howling masses whose computers got off’d by excess elektrikity…
and the word ‘universal’ goes right out the door. maybe it left long ago.
Not fast enough. Sorry. I live in a breakneck world, where things are demanded, as of *last month*. That battery will have to charge up in under 5 seconds — despite the risks!
Not fast enough. Sorry. I live in a breakneck world, where things are demanded, as of *last month*. That battery…
Just a shot in the dark, in answer to that title:
You have a trial version of AVG installed and you need to get rid of it. AVG is a virus.
Do they appreciate that? It would be nice if they’d say, ‘hey this is nice and fast... what did you do?’. It’s a kind of geek satisfaction, knowing that they noticed the speed difference and who gets the credit.
That’s the kind of stuff that kept me glued to the tv, even through the shitty commercials. I would not be budged from my spot! The only downer was “to be continued”.