Yeah... well you know I was talking to Quilt and Topsheet and Comforter... and they had nothing to say back. : )
Yeah... well you know I was talking to Quilt and Topsheet and Comforter... and they had nothing to say back. : )
Yeah... well you know I was talking to Quilt and Topsheet and Comforter... and they had nothing to say back. : )
Yeah... well you know I was talking to Quilt and Topsheet and Comforter... and they had nothing to say back. : )
I wonder if the so called ‘dumb tvs’ are getting to be rare birds, like feature phones are.
I wonder if the so called ‘dumb tvs’ are getting to be rare birds, like feature phones are.
And their object is not really to help these creatures, but to attack society. So called “animal rights” issues are just an easy moral perch upon which any shithead can stand.
This is the best I have at the moment. I hope that a dead carnivorous cow comes back to life and starts eating PETA members, one by one.
You know folks, this reminds me of a pun I made up (at least I hope it’s mine).
It seems that in the past, there were community-based programs aimed at finding sleepwalkers and bringing them home safely.
The vehicle they used was called a ...
bah..... I just now disconnected my google account from there. I haven’t posted or answered or logged in to quora in years. So bye dee bye.
LOL!! Yeah. I just can’t forget that sketch. : )
Have you talked to Jesus today? Ya know I used to be messed up on drugs..... but since I found the Lord, now I’m all messed up.... on ..... THE LORD. Have you talked to Jesus today?
I would not buy a new or used ANYTHING from this fkkkt up Jesus freak. Remember “Freakshow” from Harold & Kumar? That’s who this nutjob is.
To help keep that hat on and not slip, maybe there could be an under-chin band of material, that would keep the beanie and the bt headphones in place.
This has been a problem for me. I mean, with winter hats.
To help keep that hat on and not slip, maybe there could be an under-chin band of material, that would keep the…
I want a BIGGER TABLE. ^^ That thing up there is just a little tripod. I want kitchen table size.
I want a BIGGER TABLE. ^^ That thing up there is just a little tripod. I want kitchen table size.
I would want a stocking at least as big as three grain sacks. My feelings of greed have carried over from Halloween.
I would want a stocking at least as big as three grain sacks. My feelings of greed have carried over from Halloween.
It’s a lie. .......... what are we talking about again?
It’s a lie. .......... what are we talking about again?
Will you buy it for me for Christmas? I know I’m just one more gray commenter, but I have feelings.
Will you buy it for me for Christmas? I know I’m just one more gray commenter, but I have feelings.
Just so you know.... that’s not butterscotch pudding.
Because punishment.
I like the ones that are edible.
No. I disagree. These ones are REALLY pukingly ugly. Whoever makes them, gives them, wears them, ought to be deported to someplace hot, where they’d be forced to wear their ugly fkking sweaters for the rest of their tasteless lives.
No. I disagree. These ones are REALLY pukingly ugly. Whoever makes them, gives them, wears them, ought to be…
And who was that stupid someone, I wonder.
And who was that stupid someone, I wonder.
What’s to stop a thief from just carrying the thing away and blasting it open later? Real question, no rhetoric.
What’s to stop a thief from just carrying the thing away and blasting it open later? Real question, no rhetoric.