My socks are wet

Apparently no need to make it up because there’s shit everywhere.

I don’t think you can get aluminum magnets.

We’ve got it bad here in BC. Ash falling, grey skies but none of it is cloud and 35c temps.

I mean, what’s the point in getting this fancy new job if you can’t totally fuck up every positive aspect of it and help turn it into the most awful thing in the world?

Who knew fucking poor people, the middle class, women and children would be so hard?

A crisp $100 note this isn’t necessarily his own choice. Nothing is that simple with this administration.

I have a pretty good suggestion for how Sanders could improve but it would involve growing a soul so that’s not happening.

Oh. My. God. I can’t believe he actually starts talking about adoption. I bet he was waiting the entire interview to talk about it and I bet he felt so fucking smart like he was just subtly dropping it in as a way of backing up Jr.

Odds that at that point Trump had absolutely no fucking idea where he was, who he was shaking hands with and probably what his own name was?

No but seriously, imagine if the left or Obama constantly harped on about how America isn’t actually great right now and hasn’t been for years (including through numerous GOP presidents).

I truly believe this woman is evil incarnate. She seems to not have a sympathetic, empathetic, caring bone in her entire body. She’s a mean-spirited, bigoted piece of shit. Fuck her.

Dumb fish shoulda learned to walk a little sooner. Proof evolution is stupid. Maybe if they didn’t live in the sea they wouldn’t get caught in nets.

And when he says man, he really only means men.

I mean honestly, why even the fuck bother anymore but imagine the rage strokes on Fox News if this was Chelsea Clinton saying this:

Oops, wrong reply.

Considering they’re looking like giving the Russians back those compounds in Maryland and New York despite the terrible optics I’d say it’s odds on they’ll try and block Comey’s testimony. Like they even give any sort of shit anymore.

I live just over an hour’s drive from the border and in a normal year would visit 10+ times either to Seattle or weird mid Washington. Not been once since Nov.

I don’t get the controversy. Just a typical Republican shoring up his base.

Of course it’s not real.

This is the closest Nunes has ever been to intelligence.