Destroy Him My Robots

Well, don't leave us hanging. What jazz and opera?

I just randomly looked for Kinoco Hotel on Spotify and lo and behold, there's a new album! Which is weirdly mannered re-recordings of awesome old tracks. If there's anything I don't want from Kinoco Hotel, it's being mannered. Well, that was some quick hype deflation. If anyone cares, Kinoco Hotel is (or USED TO BE) a

I like websites where I can track my pop culture consumption (, and I use Proof 66 as a purchasing guide, but beer seems too ephermal for me to bother. Is it a beer I don't know? I'll try it then. In that spirit:

A mix of the art not being instantly appealing and the writing—the humor, in particular—being highly idiosyncratic. It basically felt a lot like naive art, which I know shouldn't disqualify, but I guess I didn't connect with it quickly enough to really see what it was going for. Time being a precious commodity and all.

Oof. I do pride myself in playing lo-fi stuff over glossy games when the concept is right and I AM intrigued, but I tried one of their older, free games (The Strange and Somewhat Sinister Tale of the House at Desert Bridge, probably), and I just couldn't do it. Is their new work more, uh, accessible?

And a wonderful weekend to you, too!

So true. I know that limited chat options would make taking that MMO raid boss down difficult, but it's so much more civil when your options are limited. Mistakes in Monster Hunter can screw a forty minute team effort over just the same as in a MOBA, but the chat log still usually just reads "Thanks! Good job! Good

Look, I really don't want to shit on Vince Staples. I like him. But seriously, let's listen to Big Fish and then listen to Radio or By All Means Necessary again.

And I think No Make-Up from Section.80 was the smartest song he ever wrote. You know, when he allowed that it is his own his infatuation with a woman's "realness" which prohibited her from coming to terms with her own experiences. I was blown away by how grown-up and self-aware that that song was, and personally, I

You knew what? That people in 20 years would still be talking about it?
..How do you do that? Are you a druid or something?

I once freaked out a person on some F2P MMO (Maple Story, perhaps) because I gave them a knife that was beneath my level and wouldn't amount to anything if I'd sold it. "Why would you do such a thing?", they inquired. Well, I hope they still don't know.

I can't legally work right now and even though I love the game I'm playing at the moment, let me just say

I dunno, I feel like "classic" is, as I said, a declaration made in hindsight (as in "a classic work is a work that spoke to and influenced at least more than one generation of listeners and artists"), but then again English isn't my native language so I guess I shouldn't protest if you disagree.

Who is people and which album is Kendrick and how does it challenge the notion that "classic" is a label that makes no sense unless you apply in hindsight?

I will disagree with Purdom on most things, but I recognize he's a good dude with a decent head on his shoulders. That said, maybe let's just not be people who proclaim 1 day old albums classics.

I'm playing Moon: Remix RPG Adventure, and this time I'm playing it for real. I have to say it really is as good as it's said to be. There's a lot do, and while there are hints for almost everything, you'll also stumble across a lot of smaller events which really helps make the world feel alive. It also helps giving

I've mentioned how limited my choices in the PC space are at the moment and I'm not really excited about those meager Artdink sales, so King of Dragon Pass is really the only thing I'm considering at the moment.

Isn't every story Blizzard ever told "X tries to do good, but is CORRUPTED BY EVIL!"?

It's IV. He's absolutely one of the best critics (and writers in general) this site has ever had, but I have learned to disregard his grades somewhere around his B for 47 Ronin. I enjoy reading anything he writes, though, and it's always clear from his reviews whether the film he's talking about is something we'd

I remember when that came out and people preemptively called it better than SLLF because it had Phantogram and Little Dragon and the internet's memory-impaired ass apparently figured those were so much better at making music than Organized Noize. Anyway, Vicious Lies was pretty good and let's face it, Big Boi could