
I don’t think it’s the responsibility of women to teach men to not assault us.

“I kind of want to come up with a little bit of a code of conduct...”

Its about damn time.

I want to break a bunch of laws and get sentenced to getting my second Ph.D.

I was really pissed that they reported he was found near a little league field. He didn’t damage enough children while he was alive, he had to do it in death too. Good riddance.

I... what?

Ordered to complete his GED? Did I read that right? How is that a prerequisite to getting this guy off the street and away from kids? Also, “May” end up going to prison? He made a sex tape with a kid! WTF is going on in that courtroom?

Heads up: I will consider blocking anyone whose response to this is anything resembling “I DON’T GET IT I’M OLD”

Lecturing Kimmel on the danger of political opinions adds an extra layer of dumbass to the overally dipshit sundae. I mean I think Kimmel knows how a comedian’s political opinions can impact their career a bit better than most.

“You gotta be real careful around here,” he told Kimmel. “You get beat up if you don’t believe what everybody else believes. This is like ‘30s Germany.”

This guy?

I mean, yeah, my cancer was a “virus + toxins = cancer” thing. The virus was HPV and the toxins here the little bastard cells the virus released that morphed into cancer. Know what got rid of it? Actual medical treatment. Fucking science, goddammit.

Jesse Eisenberg. The “thinking man’s”* Michael Cera.

Or how non-Christians shouldn’t ever say ‘Merry Christmas’ because we are not ‘part of the club’? So ‘buzz off.’ How this guy ever was considered some liberal hero is totally beyond me.

I live in MN, and I think it’s just some kind of claim to fame that the locals keep grandfathering in because they know without it and Prince this state is just a flyover breadbasket of lutefisk.

i honestly never understood his show

Keillor told MPR News, “I’ll be able to tell my side of the story at length, in my own words, in due course, and that’s sufficient for me.”

But, as a 49-year-old, you know NEVER to put anything in writing that could come back to bite you - especially with the Internet. She should have telephoned and made her pitch, whereupon White Moose management would have laughed in her face and hung up on her, leaving her with private hurt feelings instead of public

I’d like to see that metrics for social media “influencers” like this nudnik that actually have a quantifiable effect on what they’re promoting. She could have said that “I promoted business X and within the next month they saw an increase in revenue of Y dollars”

Not close enough.

Go big or go home: finish it off with an iced tea and a Tasty Cake.