
Harvey Weinstein committed rape, you (and Germaine) seem to imply they were asking for it. And you think the best way to combat rape is to make it a misdemeanor? GTFOH. That’s not group think, that’s not being an asshole.

The rumors that neither Harry nor William want to be king are total bullshit. They both have enough stroke that either one of them could walk away at any time and still be set for life. That will NEVER happen. Wills and Harry would never want to get real actual jobs and concern themselves with day to day trivialities.

And also, it’s going to put off the Norwegians.

Don’t know about you folks, but I feel safer with this menace off the streets.

As an old, in my mind, Vice was the American Apparel of media. Dov Charney (and Terry Richardson) skeevy with a huge dollop of pothead bro.

Spot on. I’ve always equated Vice with being

Does the entire world have amnesia? Do we all not remember what Vice was in the early days? Even for the nineties, the level of misogyny, homophobia, & just vile, puerile shittiness towards anyone not like them was insane. But, of course, always cloaked in a hip, ironic, wink wink, we don’t really mean it vibe.

Jezebel, What Are You Doing? Days of silence on the topic, and then what comes forth is not actually the thinkpiece on sexual coercion and the “ways consent can feel blurring”, on how predators purposefully use bullshit excuses about “miscommunication” to get away with it, about how Ansari is more representative of

I also was waiting for what I thought would be a searing takedown. I was very wrong.

This piece is unreal. I’ve been looking for Jez’s take on this for over 24 hours. They haven’t covered it at all except to say that Babe did it badly. Way to have those tough conversations, Jez

Sharon Stone is a gift we don’t deserve. That cozy sweater, on the other hand, is a gift I do deserve.

Totally. This kid has neither the bank account, nor the established career (though he probably will) as any of the above. And yet.

Preach. I really feel like this will be the creep’s last film.

the kid is only 22 and he has more integrity than Colin Firth, Joaquin Phoenix, Javier Bardem or any of the other men in his recent films. None of those actors needed the work or money and chose to make a Woody film anyway.

I fully expect others to come forward. This shitstain has been around and been given access for a million of years.

That’s ... kinda ageist for an MTF therapy candidate, yeah ... unless, of course, you’re absolutely sure all your clients are going to be younger than millennials.

Off topic, but is anyone else finding it weird that Jezebel hasn’t mentioned the Aziz Ansari thing yet? Am I missing something? If I am, will someone please fill me in?

It’s usually not that they are socially incapable or inept. It’s more that they’ve been socialized within academia to see what would normally be considered asshole behavior as a form of power display.

I think of it as the Dr House effect...for men (and maybe some women) being a dick can somehow make you more credible. Like you’re some sort of savant and can’t bother with the brain space to have normal social interactions and so must be that much more of a genius in your field. I see it in directors of even shitty