
I’m 48, and I emphatically do not agree with Catherine Deneuve, Judy Blume, et al. I also see a lot of ageist responses to these women’s opinions and their very existence (along the lines of “older women’s opinions shouldn’t count”) on social media. What I want to say about it is (1) some women in this age bracket

McGillis could play Cersei’s mother on GoT. You know, if that character wasn’t long dead and the series almost over. McGillis reminds me of Lena Heady now, from that TMZ pic linked above. I think she looks beautiful!

Maybe we’ve all changed, but I think he has done this schtick forever and it’s wearing thin and the weak spots are showing; the pattern of his jokes are too obvious. He tells a horrible story, then acts like he is humbly admitting privilege, then that’s supposed to be the funny part?

That whole episode of SNL he hosted was resoundingly unfunny. I used to be a Louis CK fan, until someone tipped me off to listen more to his podcast interviews and other material not packaged for television, and I was unhappy to discover I don’t enjoy a lot of his comedy after all. I don’t care what “insights” you try

Yeah, it’s good, but I don’t find it as amazingly endearing as some folks seem to. Michaela Cole is clearly a force of talent, and I do hope the show continues and it’s solid, just not for me.

According to Wikipedia, Ms. Coel’s 2016 BAFTA Award show dress (she won!) was sewn from Kente cloth her Ghanaian-born mother made. A bit difficult to find good pictures of the whole dress without stock photo watermarks all over it, but at least here you can see the gorgeous colors and patterns better.

I snort-lol’d. Thank you.

That is utter nonsense. I have never been to a sushi restaurant that DIDN’T use vinegar in the rice, and I’ve eaten sushi across this country (the U.S.) for years. No one just puts fish on dry rice, ffs. Even at the cheapest places.

Oh, that IS a good look on her face. As a former theater kid (sorrynotsorry), I would interpret that as a look of someone who is following along and caught up in the emotion. Sort of like when you see an actor watch themselves on screen, and sometimes they even mouth the words when they watch themselves because they

I was totally thinking of Harrisburg while I read this article. I was there only once (for business) a few months ago, but their mall downtown —with some related apartment living — is pretty new, yes? I was sort of horrified by the mall when I walked through it a few times. There didn’t seem to be any climate control

“I’ve been thinking about getting the botox for a single wrinkle next to my right brow. I guess I’m always making a face that says “’hmmm.’”

Oh, I’m plenty mad, too. Enraged. I’m predicting dire things will happen to our country before it gets better, and I take no joy in seeing the terrible things I predicted would occur with this regime come true every day since 45 has been in office.

“Is there another alternative? I haven’t seen anything that suggests there is besides education, which they keep cutting.”

Telling someone to “relax” after your poor joke didn’t land is not how to stimulate discussion, get people on your side, or even tell a fucking joke. If you have to start with with an admonishment to “relax,” maybe step away from the computer or just not reply? And probably don’t quit your day job, which I assume is

Yeah, it is not any better than what the GOP is doing: Sacrificing humans. Specifically, a lot of poor folks, women, and children.

Actually, I am about to suffer a lot with these cuts, as are others who fall through the cracks but are fervently NOT Trump supporters. I am part of the resistance, and I will still lose my healthcare (and I have chronic illnesses) and I am a woman and a minority and even though I voted for Hillary, I’m about to get

Oprah is far from my idea of a POTUS, let alone my “dream President.” I think we could come up with about one kajillion more qualified candidates for even the title of “dream POTUS.” Admittedly, I’m not too familiar with Ms. Winfrey’s CV—and ALL THE FUCKING POWER to her for being a door-kicking badass mogul and media

I can’t believe I’m making any excuses for Spicey Sphincter, but those ill-fitting suits and Beltway/80s weatherman hair aren’t doing him any favors.

Actually, that’s supposed to be his “sarcastic face”; he’s cuing the audience he’s being facetious to the guest. I know because sometimes I hatewatch this douchecanoe’s show.* This slackjaw look he does makes me think he’s about to drool.