Myrna Minkoff

Sorry but touting yourself as “moderately well-educated” while stating that you are presently writing your dissertation for not your 1st but your 2nd doctorate is the most ridiculous humble brag and also evidence that you are completely unaware of the average educational accomplishments of the world around you. Less

Speaking as a non-American, we’re still watching in shock. We’re not in denial, just scared watching this shitshow unfold

I once had a very wealthy boss who’d gotten where he was largely due to his father’s business initiatives. When I requested a new computer, he asked me to write up a “formal proposal”. It was about three pages of explanation (he wasn’t technical in the least - couldn’t even figure out a copier) punctuated by three or

Ooh, found it:

Someone wrote a letter to the editor to the New Yorker this week, asking that the magazine refrain from comparing Trump to a toddler.

He’s seriously like a toddler. He needs attention all the time, has a limited vocabulary and throws tantrums if he doesn’t get his way. Look at this picture!

I Feel like this gif will not be not applicable anytime soon

Nevertheless, she persisted.

Remember when you used to be amusing? Pepperidge Farm does.

Okay. If he used his own phone. But this idiot used his wife’s phone. Tha isn’t a glitch. That’s stupidity.

If I got a whiff of brie as I’m pulling your pants off, I’m probably gonna recommend you see a doctor about that.

Now playing

I’m an old, who is both 1) a jazz lover and 2) loved the show Moonlighting, so this one makes me sad. His theme song of the latter is up there in the pantheon of great TV theme songs, perfectly fitting the sexy vibe of the show. Anyway, if you don’t know who Al Jarreau was, he was awesome and a legend, arguably

I was surprised by the super bowl commercials. Many were just so in your face against the administration.

Wanna hear an original comeback to this question from a Trump supporter? This was *before*. Before Donald saw the grave injustice in the American society and the damage globalization was causing the US. Being the brilliant businessman that he is, he had to comply with the market rules - send production overseas so

With all of these retailers bailing on her you so know The Donald is going to pull a Say Anything below her bedroom window at The White House; his diminutive hands hoisting a boom box above his head that’s playing Father Figure by George Michael.

This is really interesting, because corporations are not moral actors. I’ve been paying attention to commercials (sociology major, can’t help it), and I’ve noticed that advertisers are still using same-sex and interracial couple and families and gender bending in their commercials. That’s really significant to me, it

This will likely have a huge impact on dozens of shoppers.

Cram your concern trolling and virtue signaling in the same place those farts you love to sniff come from.