Aw, that’s sweet. Thanks. I’m just doing my thing, trying to avoid doing actual work. ;)
Aw, that’s sweet. Thanks. I’m just doing my thing, trying to avoid doing actual work. ;)
I don’t think its unreasonable to say that American blacks overall (and probably other minorities as well) might be less likely to take something from certain institutions at face value, since historically they’ve been lied to an awful fucking lot.
So... wait, flat earthers think it’s sorta like a planet pizza? Still round, but definitely flat? I ... wow.
And PA! Pennsylvania was the most solidly blue of all of them! Trump won by like, 40k votes. How many otherwise Democrat voters in PA stayed home I wonder?
No, no it does not. And you are backtracking your original argument at a terrific pace. You said the party chooses the VP which is blatantly false. The presidential nominee selects the VP. The candidate may take advice on that choice from any number of other people including his/her own staff, party insiders, etc.,…
I run a one-person business and I’m about to incorporate and I have this same issue. I’m leaning toward “principal.” But yeah, we need a better term for us little guys.
Someone else pointed out that it’s possible he will just declare America Great Again and that all the problems have been fixed, and so now he can step down. I could totally see it going down like that as well.
I hate those people. And I’m a self-employed person as well, so I understand the appeal/need of making your business look legit so its taken seriously. But just ... no.
He may not quit -- let’s be honest, trying to predict what Trump will do is a fool’s game. He doesn’t even know! Which is why I think any option is possible aside from him becoming sane and miraculously starting to do a good job. That def. seems off the table.
Right. He’s horrible and I don’t want it to sound like I’m defending him. But he’s a completely different kind of horrible from Trump & Co.
He’s where the mainstream Repub. power in the WH rests. I think he has very little pull with Trump. Which should make for some interesting dynamics.
“Paying attention to diet” is not the same as “having an excellent diet.” I have no doubt that he thinks about his food more than other QBs, but that doesn’t automatically mean he’s eating better. This is a guy who won’t eat fruit because he thinks it’s unhealthy.
I really think Pence may be innocent of the Russian shit. Not because he’s patriotic or anything, but just because he really isnt in the inner circle. Trump almost didn’t choose him and feels he was forced on him. You know he doesn’t like how stuck-up he is. (I doubt Pence does locker room “pussygrab” talk.)
Not just some, I would argue most. I have Republican friends who I *know* did not fall for his shit and the entire campaign they were twiddling their thumbs and sighing about having to vote third party — which clearly almost none of them actually did.
This. I can believe that Bannon is making use of Trump’s meltdowns to distract where he can, but the meltdowns are, sadly, all too real. My 2.5 year old has better impulse control than Trump. It’s not strategy.
He knows that would make him a historical laughing stock for all time.
Really? Because I live in one of the five biggest cities in the country and its virtually impossible to book on any other airline. Yes, technically they have flights here — but not many, and with inconvenient routes and times and generally more expensive.
Yup. I tend to agree.