Myrna Minkoff

This is a strained analogy, but bear with me: Remember the swine flu from a few years back? They warned us it would be bad, took extra measures to make sure everyone got vaccinated, etc.? And then, relatively few people got sick — and for two years after that I heard people say the risk was overblown, it was all

Are CBP as bad as that? I’ve had minimal interaction with them (note: I’m a middle-aged white lady whose US passport they briefly look at before waving me through at the airport) but in the past week I’ve heard people say repeatedly that they are basically monsters and always have been.

It is if your friend is an admitted sexual predator, a fascist, totally unqualified and possibly in the early stages of dementia.

Yup. And people see nothing wrong with that. I have a friend who did NOT vote for Trump. And yet all she has done since the election is bitch about people who are complaining about his policies. “Give him a chance,” she says. “You don’t know what’s going to happen.”

Agreed. Refusing to follow a judicial order is terrifying.

Just because you’re public about a topic once doesn’t mean your bound to that same publicity forever.

I’m sick of a certain segment of the population that feels entitled to just spew their political beliefs all over the the world and then demand to be exempt from criticism for them, to have to defend them,

Not while it was actually happening, no, but once we got him cleaned up he seemed much happier. He was literally full of shit. It always feels good to get that out.

I am so immune to poop at this point (parent of a toddler) that it scares me a little. The exception: The time that my kid was constipated and so I gave him prunes with breakfast. And then, unaware of that, Mr. M gave the kid prunes for a snack. And then, unaware of that, I gave him a giant tub of garlic hummus for

Everything about this is amazing. Well done, sir. Well done.

Of all the things I love about my almost-three-year-old, the fact that he has never yet puked is easily in the top 5.

They are absolutely flooded across the nation in ways they haven’t been before.

You’re not wrong, but for example, I live in Philly which votes something like 92% Dem. We have one Republican senator. When I call his office and say I’m from Philly they are less concerned about my opinion, because he knows the VAST majority of that city isn’t voting for him anyway.

Send a letter. They’re in session, send it to their DC office, or send it to their local office.

It does still help. It is def. harder to get the attention of a senator in a red state, but at minimum it shows them that the opposition is mobilized and watching and what issues they are most upset about.

Good for you! Sincerely.

My guess is that most companies, esp. anything tech-related, universities, medical and health orgs., etc. are going to flip out about this ban. No CEO wants to have to worry that all of a sudden his International Communications dude and a bunch of entry-level workers can no longer show up for work because Mango

She was 21 at the time — she wouldn’t be the first young woman to marry a guy who seemed nice and later found out he was an abusive monster.

Thank you. I feel like these cleaning schedules must be put together by people who have no job, no kids, no elderly parents who need help all the time. I literally do not have enough hours in the day to 90% of this.

You make some excellent points.