I, too, have gotten rich by not investigating the value of things I buy and accidentally overspending by nearly half a million dollars on a single purchase.
“See, I told you that good fencers don’t make good neighbors!”
-Robert Frost
first the admissions scandal, and now a home sale scandal?
I was born in Southern Indiana and raised in Southern Illinois and I guess the most positive thing I can say about your comment is that yours must be a great life if you have such a low bar for what makes something “incredible.”
You think Donald Trump has a chess set? If anything, he has a sexy Ivanka Connect Four.
They should do this like the NBA and pare it down to 15 players per team. The rest get sent to the developmental league.
Tough call, but I voted CP because $6400 buys a lot of ED meds.
Who are they to call anyone disrespectful...
Kamala Harris is a deeply flawed candidate in many ways, from her disturbingrecord on criminal justice issues to her ideological slipperiness on questions like Medicare for All.
Really digging the new season of Archer so far, so I’m probably watching for that.
Look, I’m not a mandated reporter, but I will call the ASPCA
Before everyone starts complaining that the original bronco had a v8. If you want to keep it“original” then you can go ahead and push for all 150 HP in the original v8. I’ll take this 4 cylinder with 275 HP.
Well, my father couldn’t lift me above his head as a child because of his torture wounds so I do think that hyperbole is important
My girlfriend on long car trips loves to play the “Name all 32 NFL teams”-game.
But the important thing here is that since Drew is gone, I can state for the record that the official stance of the Funbag is now that mayonnaise is awesome and delicious and one of our finest condiments and makes just about everything better. Mayo forever.
God, Axios is so tiresome. Its like Vice for people who didnt drink in high school.