My real name

It was sounding like he had an eye injury. Which, you know, they should also take seriously.

I know this is a serious post, but I’m over here giggling at the idea of the basketball player booting the ball into the seats in this situation.

Each state issues its own IDs and some aren’t compliant with security measures. A few of those states ridiculously refuse to change their IDs. And since a passport is the only federal ID most people will ever be able to get, it leaves it as the one choice.

Like anyone would want to R her.

100% blame the cops. If there’s no proof of violence, you can’t act violently, no different from a BS self-defense claim. The job of a law enforcement officer is to de-escalate, not come in all sweaty like a 12-year old boy who just figured out a locker room door just opens up.

I’ve been waiting patiently for them to announce paid Kinja to make that thing go away and they just won’t. Fucking. Do it.

That’s the thing. They kept Obama’s economic policies, his military policies, and keep passing what are essentially continuing resolutions for his last (well, it was a compromise) budget. Major indicators for the US are strong and it’s because in some major ways Trump can’t figure out how to make his own policies, and

And if it’s after 10pm or a Sunday, they can only give you a handy.

I fly weekly and can’t think of an airport anywhere near Atlanta’s size that’s easier to maneuver. (Unless the power is out.)

Look, if this shit happened at a fucking Ravens game (closest analogy to fourth-level soccer) or something, I’d love it.

Seriously, never met a pretentious chubby Southern nine-year old from 1993 until now.

This somehow simultaneously makes no sense and the most sense ever.


THANK YOU for separating the Great Lakes from the Plains.

So, you’re never gonna believe this, but there’s a quote from someone in the article who got the tattoo because he thought it was funny and that it wouldn’t be legally binding.

One case in the article and one person in the comments contradict this. Nobody in healthcare is going to stand there and watch someone dry drown because “but I assumed he was a rational actor!!” without an ethics consult at a minimum. Plenty of people out there with shitty tattoos.

I’ve always gone with Evil Michael Cera.

I’ve been a Packer fan since I was seven years old and will freely say that all of those teams, with Aaron Rodgers, would be better than the Packers are with him, and all of them would have a good shot at the Super Bowl.

There’s no way he gives oral.

Well, sure, I just meant “Really, something nice happened and you think it’s because of Kanye?”