Me at a minibar!
Me at a minibar!
Aw c’mon, at least “design language is a term that doesn’t really already have a pre-existing term like the others do.
Check out the motherfucker who never worked at Taco Bell.
The application says they need to be inspected and found safe by the state. How many can even start and run in neutral?
Not only is it legal, it is the law as written. What are you arguing here?
The thing is, this court ruling isn’t something that just happened to him one day. This is a very normal kind of thing to have on the books, and any reasonable collector OR scrapyard owner would’ve looked into it. The township doesn’t need to provide terms that he’s comfortable with. He’s in violation. Yes, it’s his…
If he’s in the middle of nowhere, he and his neighbors probably have private wells. I wouldn’t want all that getting into my water. Not to mention all the mice and rats that seem to love living in abandoned cars for whatever reason.
Also, describe to me what Loudon, Virginia was like in the 80s?
Cool, so let’s do Stanford/Silicon Valley then. Started off as a shitty attempt to go replacement-rate on some barnyard and is now the only part of the US that does anything new. It’s almost like the real estate and individual humans standing around are irrelevant, and that an earnest attempt (and investment) to make…
There’s a nonprofit that makes exactly that happen. The fact that you think taking a few months learning tech is impossible for a Southerner is...not precious.
John Tesh > Daniel Tosh.
I like Lagunitas, but their IPA is nothing special. Worse is he’s trying to namedrop with that. Lagunitas is the official Good Beer in the lobby of your nearest Courtyard Inn. Big fucking deal.
It was easier to get murdered back in the day.
I mean, I’ve actually helped, does that count?
No, but neither has Curt, he can’t even figure out how to donate money on Amazon.
Yeah. I really, really, really want to be hopefult that he’s doing the right thing, but I fully expect a hidden camera there to expose someone who simultaneously needs bottled water and owns a cell phone.
About five times a day I get the urge to say, in a serious, rushed voice, “liver or kidney problems.”
I don’t care whether it’s campaigning. There’s nothing wrong with it.
Are you...are you bragging that you own a TV?
I really just wanted to see what would happen.