Yes, my college girlfriend was a late bloomer and wanted to hold it. Given the other replies you got, it appears that this is A Thing.
Yes, my college girlfriend was a late bloomer and wanted to hold it. Given the other replies you got, it appears that this is A Thing.
Dutch. Sint.
Did he say “boy” or “boyo?” If it was the second one, it was just him being Irish.
Sort of a party! The last Delta first class I had over the Pacific, we were done with round three before they finished the flight instructions.
I fly most weeks and just don’t see this. Is this a Southwest thing? There’s always enough slack in the line to just step out. I stand. The people across and in front of me get two seconds, and if they don’t make any meaningful moves I just start getting out. It’s never been a problem.
Yep, as long as you ignore the concept of time. Thanks for checking!
It’s a terrible tweet but you actually should try those popsicles.
Sex work aside, I did very well for myself with my shitty poetry when I was 17.
Cardinal rule: approve of any He Hate Me reference.
Hell yih
Eh. Monsanto and Cargill just vulture university research at the last possible point before marketability. If more universities pulled a WARF we wouldn’t need to deal with their shit.
Yes, he doesn’t deserve the award because of how much better of a player he is. Or something. It’s hard to care.
Starred because I honestly believe he was innocent.
And who is this motherfucker not speaking in Sanskrit anyway? GO HOME SMEDLEY
Go ask any linguist which accent or language is the very very best.
Yeah, but there’s also 4) Fake it.
I haven’t met a single liberal who described that email shit as anything other than mind-numblingly dumb. Seriously, other than people who are paid to be professionally liberal, did anyone defend this?
I rolled my eyes at making fun of this, except:
Wanna buy my anti-measles tea? It has anti-measles in it.
I don’t. This should be a valid criterion for involuntary manslaughter charges. This isn’t even post hoc ergo propter hoc. This is “my son has an egg allergy and is now a vector.”