

Can’t you give him a break? English is his second language.

Cats are dicks. It probably spelled it wrong on purpose.


Oooh, you’re gonna get arrested, lol. My goal is to never, ever, refer to that man as “President” and to never, ever hear him speak. If he’s on tv, I turn the channel. If some shit hits the fan in a way that he would have a press conference or have to interrupt all the stations, I’ll turn the tv off and just read

Dear Billy Joel,

Or maybe it just shows that even a 12 year old can see what a fucking buffoon Trump is...

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

So, let me he’s gonna appoint a bunch of diplomats with pro-Russian ties/interests?

I wonder if dudes drew their dicks on parchment and sent it to women via pigeon back in the day.

Without Bette, there is no Beaches.

I am sure this is perfectly lovely but if I want to watch Beaches I will, you know, watch Beaches.

So I am thinking of opening an OkCupid account...would MrsBobbitt, or some variation on that theme be a bit much? I mean, I think it’s funny and I would date myself.

I suppose killing our national education system is one way they’ve figured out how to ensure a healthy supply of future Republican voters...

Yeah. This is one reason I fucking hate Kubrick and have literally trashed casual friendships over people defending this in the name of art. (I’ve trashed more longstanding friendships over Polanski but that’s a different matter.)

Fuck you for making me look this up.