
“I’m sorry ma’am. That’s just the sanity filter kicking in.”

They’re booing for Trump, not voting!

Free speech my friend. Just as he had the right to say every despicable thing that dribbled from his fish mouth, he also must face the consequences of said free speech.

Maybe they meant this statue?

He said, “I am not guilty. I did not kill Susan Berman.”

“Is there any place more fun to be than a Trump rally?”

To this entire family:

I just...I don’t know. Does she simply not understand the english language? Is that it? Does she just not comprehend what she’s saying? Or is she so tired that the words aren’t even registering in her brain, she’s simply reading shit aloud and not paying attention? I also heard her say today that over the years Donald

“Elvis, you wanna cookie?” “Mroowww.”

As a maple-sucker myself, this is really pathetic and condescending. Also, untrue!

“Because now Canada thinks they’re better than us.”


He looks like Pestilence, the 1st of the Four Horseman.

That Idiot On Your Hunting Message Board