Why did I read this article?
Why did I read this article?
I was called a pet sitter!! I mean I do pet sit but I am weirded out.
oops Spelling!!
wow. The esthetics of the 80's ages people so dramatically!
My word, he is hideous.
My mother would agree with this study. Once I was at a family function holding a bottle of beer and she lost it and said I wasn’t being “ladylike.” She said if I insisted to drink a beer, that I must drink it out of a glass. UGH.
I am really enjoying the series so far. I was a bit surprised but I enjoy the tone. I wish there were more out. Are they coming out weekly or monthly?
Saw this movie on Thursday night and really enjoyed it. I am happy to say I convinced a bunch of other people to go see it as well. :) Positive reviews all around.
Completely disgusting. That judge needs to be disbarred.
I was just there on a vacation for 3 weeks. While I really enjoyed my time there as it was so beautiful and clean, I did see that women have a long way to go to be considered equal. Also, I feel really bad for the workers they bring in from other countries. There doesn’t seem to be any protection for them! I was at a…
As a Canadian, I am cool with this.
This may be the most important article of our times. My thighs are going to thank you! Please, let it work.
Exciting! Will watch!
CBC Does some great ones. Someone Knows Something has two seasons...both are great.
I just started listening to this podcast and I am so glad I have! It is great :)
Keep on eating Mcdonalds and KFC Trump...keep on eating...
HIS FACE! He needs to be selling something and whatever it is, I will buy it.
I agree, I felt the same but this behaviour should not be normal.