
That’s what drives me nuts about these things.

It is! I wrote a paper about it in college, and all my research pointed to the theory that they actually bonded with a nearby native American tribe and joined them when they ran out of food and started dying. There were accounts for years that people saw some native Americans in the area that had reddish hair and

Can we get her to moderate the debates?

I just start crying when he gives her the dress with the puffed sleeves. You know, to get a head start on the dying in the fields later.

is there a need to remake it tho? the version we have is already perfect. Megan Follows is Anne Shirley. We done here. >:|

Between destroying America, taking away people's guns and being a kenyan citizen, when did Obama find the time to be the founder of ISIS? Does he have a time turner like Hermione?


No offense to chickens though. Their shit is not nearly as horrible as Trump. Sorry for the comparison, little birdies.

Promotion? Really.

No. That may be your line of thinking, but do not assume anything for me. When I ride a dick it means I am doing something or someone that I enjoy at that moment. You are not me. Our actions are not the same.

He served his time and now has an opportunity to legally support himself.

I really love everything about Tig, including what appears to be a cranky side that came out a little bit in this interview. She and Amy seem like they would not ever get along because Tig seems genuine and sincere and Amy is ridiculously sarcastic. They just seem like people who would NOT get along. And I think it’s

Dyed and Prejudice by Emily Austen

Persky made a controversial evidentiary ruling which allowed the jury to view seven photographs of the alleged victim “partying about a year or so after the alleged gang rape. In the photos, she is scantily clad, wearing a garter belt and what appear to be fishnet stockings.”