The fact that anyone still takes Cathy Brennan seriously shows how far we have left to go. This is a person who deliberately doxxes trans* teenagers purely to do them harm.
The fact that anyone still takes Cathy Brennan seriously shows how far we have left to go. This is a person who deliberately doxxes trans* teenagers purely to do them harm.
Yeah, I never understand why the offence matters, in terms of treatment in prison. Why it’s ok to stick someone in solitary and let the guards abuse them if they’ve committed crime X, but not if they’ve committed crime Y. Shouldn’t we simply guarantee a standard of care for anybody in prison, regardless of their…
I did not wake up this morning thinking I would like Ariana Grande, yet here we are.
I’m a guy, and this horrifies me more than I can express.
You know why female praying mantises eat their mates after they copulate? Because they know that assholes like this exist.
No, you freak. Jesus, what is wrong with you?
No it is not true. It’s something you’re very committed to espousing to justify men preying on children for sex. You chanting “girls are three years more mature than boys” doesn’t make it a fact. It makes you transparent.
A week before Quinn Duane’s wedding day, her fiancé decided to call the whole thing off, leaving Duane’s family with…
I sincerely hope you’re right. I feel like if I wake up tomorrow and Stephen Harper is still Prime Minister, I might just have to poison myself rather than deal with that for another 4-5 years.
HAH there are so many comments lately about how excited people are to vote this year...because it’s going to be so incredibly SATISFYING to NOTE vote for Harper. So satisfying I might need a cigarette afterwards.
It’s not going to be Harper. It can’t. There are so many more people (young people!) voting this time, and from the looks of it they all want him GONE.
Fellow Canadians - please go out and vote today if you did not take advantage of advance polling! We have suffered through so many apathetic elections with low voter turn out and the country is feeling the effects of that now.
Please let Harper’s brand of fear-mongering, agenda-driven conservatism die. Don’t forget…
Thanks! I know a lot of my friends are voting for the first time this year. Ranging from 19-28. It has surprisingly been all over my Facebook. One friend voted on early. I was going to, but with a kd attached to my hip it didn’t happen.
During a performance last night at New York’s Hammerstein Ballroom, Gwen Stefani debuted her newest single, “Used To…
NO BIG GOVERNMENT!! (unless it’s to protect my ass)
Thanks for sharing—sounds perfect for my weekend travel!
I am noping this article so hard, as I’m literally eating a fried chicken sandwich on a donut bun for lunch.
*Reads article*