
Is that...

Sorry your heart is too cold and dead to appreciate the cuteness of kitties’ jelly bean toes.

I need this bed. Except for just me and my dog.

Also for aging pets. Says the woman who just put a step stool next to her bed for her 14-year-old tubby tabby.

No matter how big the bed my dog will find a way to find the exact center and somehow push me off the edge.

I don’t know... I mean could Lupita pass as 1/4 Asian?

THAT IS A HEDGEHOG, YO! This is a porcupine.

It’s point in case. And bears are animals, men are human beings; that is a false analogy. You cannot be responsible for your own rape, period, full stop, end of story.

I’m just going to point you towards commenter “Yog-Sothoth is the Gate”, whose response to me illustrates exactly what the problem with your theory is:

Now playing

SO. This is my cat watching a cat cartoon.

Sorry, I do not know what this Bridget Jones 3 of which you speak is. Bridget and Colin Firth live happily ever after and LALALALALALALALALA I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING MORE.

Fellow Canadians, join me as we revel in the delight that a) an american blog is acknowledging us! Little old us! and b) the conservative campaign is quickly becoming a joke and their leadership might actually circle the drain this time.

#Peegate and #wankergate, actually, at least on Twitter. #Peegate’s gotten more traction, though, and the results have been very funny and sometimes damn clever.

This is funny b/c in the US it would be a demonstration of a conservative candidate’s “truthiness” and “beltway outsider” bona fides to not play by the rules of *scare quotes* entitlements or common sanitation practices. ‘Cus when you’re POTUS, this is 1st Amendment garble garble Liberty something something Freedom!

ugh someone help me get this huge stupid grin off my face before my co-workers think I care about things.

I got a good laugh out of that. Seriously, these people are afraid of Muslim religious laws because they “hurt freedom” but are totally on board with imposing Christian religious laws because they “provide freedom”. WAT?!

Bunning also told five deputy clerks who work for Davis that they have until 1:45 p.m. to decide whether they will comply with his order to issue marriage licenses or join Davis in jail.

““I’d like to do stuff with Jared,”