
There is a lot of things that dont make sense in that, well, the entire universe should have collapsed in itself by now, but i’ve learned to just go with it—-this show is obviously more of the swashbuckling type pure popcorn entertainment than a strict science-based model.

Yeah but also like...if your kid is trans they’re going to experience dysphoria anyway right? Because they have sex characteristics that do not belong to the gender they identify as. So really this is about the parents and it’s going to be annoying as fuck for their poor kid from a legal standpoint.

I don’t suppose it matters on the birth certificate, but it does seem a little foolish to just pretend sex has no relationship to health. You don’t need to force anything on a child, but that is medically necessary information regardless of what gender, if any, the child identifies with.

You clearly aren’t familiar with internalized racism, black identity, or black culture if you’re automatically defaulting to “she’s black, so this is positive and cool”.

One thing that’s always bothered me about cannibal movies is that the cannibals always seem to eat their human flesh raw and disgusting, with lots of slurping and splashing of gore. I guess that’s supposed to amp up the horri, but I just don’t understand it. Why does becoming a cannibal also mean you no longer care

Right? I’m a hetero guy and I probably would.

Ha! I knew someone had to be counting.

I am totally obsessed with this show and I am on board with the sister fucking. It’s Tom fucking Hardy! I would take that fucking dress off now in a heartbeat.

Jesus, you poor bastard, where do you live?

He’s president. I hate it, you hate it. But at the end of the day, the inauguration isn’t about him, it’s about our Democratic ideals and our belief in the peaceful transition of power, even when it goes to people we disagree with or despise. So I stand with Barack Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and,

Whenever I see this video, I amazed by how Marilyn looked and how she sang and then the thing that strikes me the most is JFK’s wife, Jackie was sitting right next to him, watching her, looking at her, listening to her and the whole time being reminded that Marilyn was having sex her husband and being humiliated in

I’m a pretty big skeptic and sort of believe that if you mentally don’t let the ghosts in, they don’t mess with you. Sort of like sending out a vibe of “I don’t have time for this ghost, so leave me alone.” However, I will say that whenever I’m at the house (which is rare because it’s a rental property) and I’m

The house where I grew up was pretty new - way newer than any of the other houses on the block. A typical one-story ranch house that you might see in any stretch of American suburbia. Likewise, all the furniture in the house was pretty par for the course. My room had a little-kid bed, a nightstand, a table and chairs

right? how you going to pawn that haunted shit off on some other poor family.... side note- have 3 kids never had a changing table, maybe that was a god decision ! always thought they were kind useless

This just happened, on the 1st of this month.

Okay, so this is the first real life thing to freak me out in a long time. Here it goes.

You’re reading a post... about a show... with comments... also about that show... and you assume these are spoiler free waters? LOL okay then.