
The entirety of what you said makes no sense, and I don’t have a cold enough heart to argue with someone like yourself.

No, I don’t “know” that. Neither do you, because there are very limited details about this particular interaction. What we both DO know, is that this whole situation is very wrong and should not have happened... But what I know, is that to call it racism is wrong. It is literally incorrect. That’s all I said.

It actually does matter — racism is a particular kind of discrimination. When we start labeling any and all discrimination “racism,” then the word loses all meaning and suddenly anything labeled “racism” becomes no big deal.

Does making it racism make you feel better? If so, I’m not going to burst your ignorant bubble beyond telling you that you’re wrong; Islam is not a race of people, and not all people that might share the same race as this woman are muslims. That is simply incorrect, whether pointing it out makes you feel bad or not.

Because that’s a really intelligent reply.

“Muslim” isn’t a race but I take your meaning.


see also: “slacks”

All of it’s ok or none of it is.

Hey now! You are the one implying that a small dick is inferior, not the OP! Jk just busting your chops

Because it’s not okay to body shame. That’s why this doesn’t have more stars (in my humble opinion). Not very nice of the original poster. :S

Ugh you are such a hater. Perhaps its’ because you have little success to discuss.

All of you are missing the point! It was to raise awareness to the fact the millions of families are still separated including husbands and wives, mothers and their children and like my mother her twin! They want to make the rest of the world recognize that these families are going to die off before they can get a

All this talk about “Big Bad White Feminists” is completely dismissive, patronizing, and infantilizing of the majority non-American, non-White women who ORGANIZED this march (and personally invited Ms. Steinem to serve as an honorary co-chair) and the majority non-American, non-White women who participated in this

Ms. Steinem was invited to participate in a peace walk organized by a committee made of mostly of Korean women activists, with the larger group comprised of women activists and Nobel Peace Prize laureates from Liberia, the Philippines, Colombia, Zimbabwe, Japan, Australia, and an Indigenous activist from Guam, among

There were relatively few American White women involved, feminist or otherwise, actually. If you took even 30 seconds to use the Google-fu before blathering on about “White feminists” you would see that the organization is comprised of a pool of women who are multi-ethnic and multi-national.

That doesn’t take away the fact that their parents were the ones who put them into show business. They are not obligated to Full House forever and they can be grateful for it without having to go back to it.

Now he has pedo etched on his mashed potato looking face and Jesus christ himself can't save him from public opinion.