
I like her. I like Anaconda. Do I think she's buying into the patriarchy a little bit? Yes. I do. That's dangerous territory to be in when you're going to also call yourself a feminist, but, I think you should be able to, still.

Feminism doesn't mean "perfect" or "not sexy" or "sexy" or "supportive of all women."


How do you rest for all the knocks on the door?


Thank you! 32? Holy.........

And he's still walking around doing comedy tours... What the.

Welcome to the conversation, Serial Rapist Bill Cosby.


Holy. Shit.

Thank for you for that info. I'm going to head on over to XOJane to read that article.

I still cannot believe this is all a thing. Ugh.

I love it too. :( I just don't think that I can watch it in the same way that I used to, which really is unfortunate. It was such a landmark show. The more supporters he has from his fellow actors the show, the worse I feel watching it. :(

What you said just sent shivers up my spine. Jesus Christ. I can't believe I ever liked him (even though I obviously wasn't aware of all of this).


Excellent point. I actually should have said should.

How sad.

Woah. How many women is it up to now? Anyone know? I keep Googling, but I get old results (and I admittedly don't know how many people are on a basketball team. heh).

Not like the tally now even matters... Because it doesn't take 20+ women to equal the word of one man. No, no, no.

All of this is horrible, especially his

I'm not knocking plastic surgery because one day, I want to have it, but it needs to be said: did she really stick up for age?

Haha. Nooooo! She's delightfully strange!

Ever since the whole trademarking everyday English and going after her fans on Etsy, I don't like this Taylor woman.

Went to her concert once. She was fake as all hell. She doesn't give a shit about any of you that like her, and she would turn around and sue you if you even so much as uttered the words "this sick beat."


Hello. Hello there. H-


I think you need to adjust how you take criticism. I think all people are saying is that you could have really tackled the issue of animal abuse in this article, and that's not really up for debate.

Absolutely nobody is saying that you had to be critical to the man's face, but the article could have been written in a

Am I the only one who really hates the two-screen concept? It's so distracting and gimmicky. Kinda makes me hate it.

Maybe I'm an old. Well, I am. But maybe I'm acting like one.

People take on American accents typically when they sing. I'm saying that as a non-American. It's just a pop-culture thing that happens because of the WORLD's exposure to American music. See the variety of British musicians who take on American accents while performing, such as Adele, etc. Iggy Azalia's rap is just