
Of course I've said dumb things in the past... That's how I inevitably became aware of a lot of issues in the World today (that and I read Jezebel).

BUT... An apology, no matter how flowery, doesn't mean someone has actually learned anything about the situation. You really think this man doesn't have "people" that tend

I don't disagree with you in the slightest, actually... Except for the penalty box comment, though I do think it was really intelligent to make that connection.

The penalty box is necessary here. It's necessary for everyone when they make a mistake. You need some time to step back from your comment and genuinely

This kind of thing makes me respect Nicole Kidman even more. How much of a nightmare do you think all that nonsense-ology was to get out of? Never mind the ongoing nightmare that she has, having her children in such close proximity to an intrusive and dangerous cult.

Jesus. I'd move to Nashville, too, and I'd never

Of course he gets a pass. He's Benedict Cumberbatch, right? I mean he's so cuuuute and adorable and such a good actor and so smarrrt and likeable and starzz int he movies that I loooove.


Never mind that he's a grown fucking man and should have known better. How informed could he possibly have been to talk about an

At first I thought about scrolling by your comment, but then I thought that I needed to mention something. So, even though the reception won't be that wonderful, I will!

There's something really ableist about your comment. It's not enough to say Jimmy, right? You have to mention wheelchair Jimmy because it's "funnier"

Ever since she got her own "channel" where she dictates shit without the benefit of John McCain's PR filters, her wing nut qualities have become so much more obvious. Katie Couric interview Palin has got nothing on this one.

But there were examples of slaveless societies in the 1700s, so you don't have an argument there. That is a very different question to the one I asked.

Dedicate yourself to learning about the real world you live in. Bye, dear.

I want to know this person, but I feel as though I already might. My friends are like this.

Do you have any REAL examples of functioning, successful anarchism in progress in the World today? Or is your main superpower the ability to call sociology major's idiots and pull Wikipedia links from the interwebz?

You really live up to your name. What a shining example of an intelligent anarchist we have here, folks!

I am living for that GIF of the moon rising beyond Masturbation Mountain.

Anyway, I think you should just let it be. I mean, if your partner wanted you to help him (supposing your partner is male), he would just wake you up in the middle of the night by grinding his boner into your butt.

That's normal, right?

I lost you when you said you were an anarchist.

You realize that society needs a structure of SOME SORT on which to base itself, right? You're honestly saying that utter chaos would be better than a structure? Any structure? Even Marxism isn't good enough for you?

No wonder I can't understand a thing that's going on in

Slightly related, slightly unrelated.

I would like to add to bell hooks's definition of the patriarchy... We live in a white-supremasist capitalist heterosexual patriarchy. It favours men, and it favours heterosexual men and their cutesy, traditional heteronormative lives which this woman undoubtably promotes.

And yes,

Gigi is great and everything, but...

I wanna be Yolanda. Lemons and all, baby.

Feminism isn't just a women's issue. It's an equality issue, and in that sense, men are also allowed to have opinions on things like this; people being tricked nowadays by another person's fabricated reality is everyone's business. We need to squash this. It makes people (not just women, but women are targeted a lot)

When I see selfies like this, I like to think of what it would look like to see someone from a different angle while they're in the process of taking one of these pictures. It must just look ridiculous.

Loooool. No, I apologize! I posted a comment, but didn't mean to reply to you. I didn't want you to be like... Uh... WTF. So I went to delete it, but you can't!

So puzzled.

So I full-stopped and ran like hell.

It looks... Inexpensive. Something is telling me it was meant to come off as the opposite.

Totally WOULD with a young Ernest Hemingway. All day, everyday. Multiple different ways. Until we are both to the point of exhaustion.

Totally WOULD with a young Ernest Hemingway. All day, every day... Multiple ways.