
Why do you think that when Bernie fares better in head-to-head polls with a huge “anyone-but-Hillary” crowd?

A female version of Bernie Sanders is currently senator of Mass. and a favourite for a future Presidential election.

Obama was a junior Senator with a minimal record who was a lawyer from the Chicago Democratic machine. Anyone who thought he’d be anything other than what he turned out to be was delusional. Even knowing that, I still voted for him twice (breaking my long streak of protest voting for third parties) because he was

Of course, the common refrain you hear against all of this is that if we try to go too far left, too hard, too soon, it’ll spark a backlash that’ll erode what progress we’ve already made.

Preach, yo. At the end of the day, I look at the platforms of EVERY SINGLE CANDIDATE and it’s laughable to be like “oh, yes, under you, you would GUARANTEE that this wouldn’t/would happen”. We get it. We should all get it. But when it comes down to it, I need the tenacity, optimism, and drive of somebody like Bernie

I’ll also point out - that’s a lot of really poor writing packed into only seven sentences.

I feel like this Bernie/Hillary debate is neither here nor there because whichever one of them wins, none of us are voting in the general for the dude who is going to appoint four more Scalias anyway. Still, the debate is incredibly interesting to me, if only in how it contrasts with where we were eight and 12 years

This one, from the original piece at the New Yorker, is almost unbelievable:

This. It’s especially dangerous because it also fosters the “if they’re all bad, why bother voting?” apathy that’s already endemic. The last thing we need is less voter engagement.

A well-heeled person with a cushy six-figure job at a snotty magazine catering to rich people is shitting on people who support Sanders?
Color me shocked!

Good lord the Clinton message machine is in ultra high gear. The order must have gone out: "Condescension, Ooze It. Belittle anyone who believes in principles, honesty, and trying to do things, as naïve, immature dreamers." And a thousand trumpets have been blaring it nonstop. I wonder which of the odious conservative

the outsized political hope that “youth” have before they realize that every politician is a shill, nobody with real values is actually electable, and also that God Is Dead.

thinkpiece idea: “man who has been in congress for 20 years just doesn’t understand how congress works”

There’s so much more to Stonehenge (and many old archaelogical sites) than meets the eye. I remember having my mind blown when I watched this PBS documentary about it, because I always thought it was just a bunch of rocks that lined up with celestial bodies/events, and that was all there was to it.

I smell a Dan Brown novel

Bernie supporter here. I’ve noticed a lot of fellow supporters treat the smallest perceived slight as the biggest personal insult they’ve ever heard. Some of em are downright paranoid. Honest policy questions are sometimes met with hostility. That shit needs to change.

I’m thinking we do it like The Warriors. Drop them both of in the Bronx and the first to Coney Island alive wins.

Dammit, I came here hoping for a Mariah Carey-esque tour rider. Bernie doesn’t like busy patterns. He also wants 20 white kittens and 100 white doves to be released when he goes on stage for the debate.

This is fun. Liberals love MSNBC and don’t want Bernie to bail on this week’s debate. Hillary is way behind in NH and has nothing to lose by debating this week. And yet, she, like everyone else, doesn’t want to deal with Brooklyn hipsters.

Do they really think they’re going to be able to run away from Godzilla in those boots?