Yeah. Would like to see this done. But am not interested in funding it. Lol
I’m spacey for the Pacey. This is a Nice Price.
I’ve seen several real life auctions from IAAI (full disclosure I work there in the IT Department) and I saw a Tesla Model S with rear fender damage (still fixable with 32000 miles go for $52K. Definitely a market and a buyer for this car.
I beat them all the time...
Someone will buy that, do some sort of shit patch repair, and then get it titled as rebuilt from salvage and sell it to some poor bastard.
What, how?
They’re undergoing clockwise rotational inertia testing in the southern hemisphere... obviously.
Sure! A complicated French car will totally last that long.
Yellow eyed bastards is what they are
Analog. Manual. V8. Correct drive wheels. Proper sports car chassis. This is the hero that we need.
I’m all for transgender people being allowed in the military, they are willing to do something that I’m not. They signed up to fight, I did not, and I respect them greatly for that. HOWEVER, I do not feel the government should have to pay for any cosmetic surgery or anything having to do with that surgery post-op. …
Doofus, you don’t sit down to a game of ‘go fish’, slap down the race card before the first hand is dealt, stand up, push your chair back, and scream “eat that, bitch!” You wait until the dealer gets the cards out, you study the players after a few rounds, you figure out their strengths and weaknesses, THEN you reach…
If the car drives off the top of a cliff that’s level, the car starts with a vertical (downward) velocity of zero. If it’s rolling down a hill which just ends with a sheer cliff, then it will have some initial downward velocity once it clears the edge (think ski jump minus the ramp at the end).
Are you upset that the only difference in power between a AMG GT and AMG GTS is a software tune by Mercedes too?
For cpu and gpu makers they would sometimes gimp a higher end card by disabling some cores or stream processors and then selling it as a lower end cheaper card. Would you complain about that.
So are you also upset that your ISP doesn’t give you 300mb/s for the same price as the 30mb/s pack simply because they have the ability to unlock that speed by flipping a switch?
“Valuable tool” my ass! It’s a fundraising tactic 99% of the time and that’s it.