
To be fair, when driving a big 1930's car with bias ply tires, there is a lot of sawing at the wheel to keep the thing straight.

Screeching tires on dirt or gravel always makes me insane.

I haven’t seen a Carson perform this kind of magic since Carnac the Magnificent!

My Jeep developed a new rattle after I watched that.

Aww, don’t listen to ‘em, Sergio. Your cars stack up fine. Just fine.

Yeah, how dare this website specifically dedicated to covering things related to television cover something related to television. Those assholes.

I was thinking Fiero SS was a better name!

3M specifically makes a spray on weld through corrosion inhibitor just for that. You spray it inside of body panels before you weld them on.

So how do autonomous cars react to being honked at? Let’s face it, they need to react somehow.

Gas? Not much.

Surprised she didn’t complained about the smell of their disgusting cheese.

I would say the golden age of computer-controlled internal combustion. Everything else about now I can take or leave, but the leaps forward in reliable specific output in the last decade or so have been astounding. You couldn’t do this with carburetion or the early, primitive engine computers. Sure, back in the 80s

The Pyrite (“fool’s gold”) Age


the car needs some “tlc for sure.”

Excuse me ma’am. There’s no reason to buckle up, this is a school bus.

Would Aquaman settle for something pre-owned?

Now THAT is what I call a heavy bomber with a full payload. $kay, it delights me to no end to see real women still exist. other words: