
Tell me please, the beds dump. They have to dump, it’s perfect.

Read my mind.

You could end up at any number of strange places, though. Nothing like having to ask your car in the morning about what you did the night before.

The small one was for oil and the large one to cool the crumple zones.

Doh! Didn’t think about the top. I got as close as wondering about the side windows.

AND THAT’S why I’m back to the grays.

Agreed. UPS was using electrics around here for awhile. The drivers I spoke with said that they sucked; range Was pitiful but I never got an actual number.

Many have died DEFENDING that flag. You and Bill (WTF he is) need to get your facts straight.

I agree whole heartedly. But then again it got me sent back to the grays.

Not much on the first ammendment either are you.

Nothing in my opinion. Then again my opinion on the topic got me sent back to the grays.

Yet you pick and choose constitutional amendments.

I suppose it’s not a bad looking car but all I can think of is that it’s trying to grow an Acura beak.

$10.40 per mile? Such a deal!

Neither the fringe right or left are doing any of us any good. Unfortunately they seem to be the loudest voices in the media. I can’t stand either of them.

Born here, hate a lot of things about the place but there aren’t many better options. I also remember breathing in the 70's, 80's and the early 90's.

Where’s All The electricity going to come from? The whack job environmentalists we have here even try to block renewable power generating installations.
