My other car was the other woman

Since Yamcha’s in the game, I hope they somehow work this in, such as when he’s KO’d by a explosion attack:

I think the most telling stat of how dominant they are in this streak is that, counting tonight, they’ve allowed 32 runs and smacked 39 dongs.

Also to keep in mind: Riggs was 55 and retired when he played Billie Jean, who was 25 years younger and in the prime of her career.

The fact that Marvin Lewis is still the coach there should give you some indication about this team wanting to cut ties with people who repeat the same mistakes.

It truly is the most Dad quote about video games ever.

Now playing

Every time I see the armor guy go flying in the lead gif, all I hear is:

The score screen of a match always shows your team as “Good Guys” and the opposing team as “Bad Guys” (see the scoreboard in the last panel).

I prefer the limited edition version better that comes with his exercise bike.

Sounds like Panini is already getting pressed for this. Hopefully they won’t get grilled too hard...

If only the really rare variant gave you the Shocker instead...

Meanwhile, Adaon2017 (the guy in the middle) is looking like the kid watching his parents fight...

Add this to the list of “Things you can play Doom on”.

May I suggest a Trump of assholes?

“Whatever, Kawhi Leonard should still get the MVP”

Now playing

The only thing I remember was this commercial. Even as a I kid I thought it was weird...

Shawshank also won over Forrest Gump.

Sometimes they even work with them. For example:

It’s the all-star game this weekend, so there are a number of related events before the game starts. One of them is a celebrity friendly hockey game. And yes, it was the actual Justin Bieber.