
Onboard Peter Egan and I’ll be in car writer heaven. 

I Miss My Imagination

One of the funnest things to do as a parent is to simply watch your kids. Over the course of every single day (and

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They want us to ignore the fact that this guy specifically went to/targeted Asian massage parlors, as the the white guy fetishization of Asian women ain’t a thing. And Georgia has plenty of opportunities for a guy with a “sex obsession” that doesn’t involve a particular race, just like any other city.

Get the fuck outta here with this bullshit.  

What. happened. to. Kavanaugh’s. debt?

It’s been a long year, so you’re likely trolling out of sheer boredom, but I’m bored too, “relative,” you mean Meghan’s mother, as opposed to Rachel Dolezal’s two white parents?