Yo, so I skillfully combined two memes in one: ‘How it feels to listen to a podcast’ & ‘woman laughing alone with salad’. I’m ... a very lonely person.
Yo, so I skillfully combined two memes in one: ‘How it feels to listen to a podcast’ & ‘woman laughing alone with salad’. I’m ... a very lonely person.
Uh... alright man. Point taken.
I want to march again this weekend to say that even a weaker second march drew more people than his inauguration.
oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.
If you really, really want to leave the country and are under the age of 31, finish out your semester and work hard. Get a job and save as much money as you can. Under the age of 31, many countries offer 1 to 2 year work holiday visas. You could travel through several countries through several years working while you…
God. How lucky are we that he cared enough to be president?
I felt such a sense of relief reading this and couldn’t ascertain the reason.
Sorry, I can’t be happy about this.
I didn’t love Barb, per se, but her look was very ME circa 8th grade. Huge grandma glasses? Check. Short, awkward, reddish hair? Check. Afraid of popular kids and getting in trouble? Check Check Check. Perhaps that’s why she got so much attention- so many of us dorks identified with her.
I don’t know the smell but I know the temperature. Luke warm.
So, should we expect “Xmas Sweater Porn” to be the next big thing?
Yea, I also feel like people who want an open space “so the whole family can be together” don’t realize how annoying their family really is.
The fact that he was a refugee makes me so fearful for all the refugees in the United States right now who are even now being slandered with him.
About those people who defend Scientology on the basis of its having some good practices to offer: those are widely available practices called therapy, communication courses, meditation, and so on. It’s life coaching; it’s self-empowerment shit and it works for everyone in the short term. It’s not special. …
Carol Brady is survived by 5 loved children and Jan.
You know, you reminded me of something I heard a while back when I was talking with a friend of mine about how disturbed I was by the number of people I’ve had ask me “what are you reading for?”
If you do it at the top of the hour and the bottom of the hour, it’s like you came twice at once.