Yes, but what if this makes victims/potential victims less likely to call the cops?
Yes, but what if this makes victims/potential victims less likely to call the cops?
If they carry a gun for work, maybe HR at their work should be informed of the DV call?
Well, I gather that even before these laws the gun situation in the UK was quite different from that in the States. We’d have such a long way to go to get to your “before” situation, gunwise. I just don’t see how it’ll ever happen.
I blame Gilmore Girls. It’s all over that show like folk-rock and coffee.
Is there anything about my family’s deviled egg recipe that would indicate our social class? (We didn’t pipe. Should I be ashamed?)
In “Gilmore Girls,” Lorelai and Rory “egg” Jess’ car with deviled eggs. Is this a thing? Why would anyone ever do this? Also, why do they smell like farts? (The eggs, I mean.)
But no baked beans!
There should be a nationwide challenge. If mine doesn’t get picked, I can always cut off a foot of it and add it at the waist or something.
This happened to my sister-in-law, who is very conservative and utterly opposed to abortion. As I was reading Elizabeth’s story, I found myself thinking that my sister-in-law and Elizabeth would likely find common ground over that particular form of loss, that pain that I can scarcely imagine. I am in awe of the…
Agreed—and that’s why I love the emphasis the article places on taking religion and emotion out of the equation when it comes to law.
That’s what I liked about the title.
Yeah, it got my attention. I’m not sure whether I made any assumption about why Elizabeth made her choice.
“Diagnosed types”?
Yeah, you don’t really hope you don’t offend anyone. Sorry for whatever shitty experiences have led you to dismiss entire classes of people—many of whom are RIGHT HERE.
I’m so sorry. I can only imagine how hard this must have been for you. Do what you gotta do.
I got married in a Gunne Sax dress made by my neighbor in the hippie enclave where I grew up. I paid only for the fabric—$35. It took. We’re still married. The photos are a little cringe-inducing, though.
I asked the same thing. I’m now thinking “Giant disembodied ear.”
Ugh. So did I.
Why is “Queen Size Fashion Knit Tops” holding a 6-year-old’s ballet slipper to her ear?
Don’t forget to not smile, even though we’re so much prettier when we smile!
Try The People’s Couch.