
I get that you may have a personal preference to avoid BDSM dynamics in a relationship but in the right relationship and setting it can be very loving and not at all something to mistrust. Not every guy into BDSM is a psychopath. Just like every women who is on the receiving end isn’t naive and being manipulated.

Very much. It only gets harder to control them as they age. But narcissists believe it is for the best because their children aren’t separate beings. So, that leads to more controlling and manipulative behavior over time.

My kid is almost 4.  There is really no “controlling” her.  The few times my parents have spent

Can I still snark on the giant painting that says “...all are safe here” inside the guarded confines of millionaire’s abandoned penthouse apartment during one of the worst socioeconomic struggles in modern history?

Actually, I sort of feel as though there would be less rigorous searching for Michele.

Easy- everybody wants to fuck a dinosaur.

I think you just wanted to use that phrase today. It’s a good one if actually used correctly, so sorry about that, but hey, good for you for trying!

If I were a multi-millionaire, I would simply quietly enjoy my millions!

Wow. You can practically hear when you are reading it that it fucking KILLS this website to write anything positive about Swift.

No, I don’t really know the job history or length of employment of each author.

trlgrl(2) specifically addressed it to Jezebel, and I suspect the editors will somehow see it here. And it’s long overdue. 

Not likely.  Jez writers clearly get off by trashing Taylor Swift which puts them right up there with Kanye and the Kartrashians.  Way to be classy, Jez.


Mmmm. Cake


This was a very good read. Thank you, Kelly.

it will be interesting to see how that effects the rest of the state” 

Meatloaf is delicious how dare you.

I don’t believe in Meat Loaf.

[Takes a drag on a cigarette]