
That sounds cool! My kids love that stuff, we go to the Museum of Natural History in NYC a lot. Which museum is this?

What is it with Japanese, and tentacles and manga? Preferably all three. 

Yes. It really sticks in your head. 


I seem to remember a horror movie about a medical student who did illegal extreme surgeries on people to make extra money, and she did one on a woman to make her look like a doll, so she cut off her nipples and sewed her up so she had like a smooth area... is this ringing a bell? Which horror movie was this?

That picture of the human ken doll will haunt my nightmares.

I thought they only found out about Jimmy Savile’s creepiness after he was dead?

No, but you can catch it IN Racine.

Ugh, you guys are so SENSITIVE. Can’t you take a joke??

Let he who is without sin cast the 1st racial slur! 

It goes:

The only known cure for these diseases is Ambien. 

I had no idea that the job of Kim Kardashian’s lotion-er was open! I would have killed at that interview!! How much do you think a person like that gets paid?

Oh, damn, I loved this episode. Even though Rose was the worst. 

You do realize that if you keep saying “truth”over and over it becomes a nonsensical word. 

Spot on, man. 

This is a cliche, but its a cliche for a reason. Many men really, REALLY don’t know what they should do unless you spell it out. Explicitly, like you’re speaking to a child. My husband was great at doing what I needed him to do re: childcare once I told him what I needed. He’s truly bad at hints, and its not his

I don’t really understand it. Was he trying to be mean? Sarcastic? Is it not actually her birthday?

Its definitely a live episode of Black Mirror in here.

What show is this?