I’d say that’s a red flag.
I’d say that’s a red flag.
God, I love that movie.
You’d think.
THANK you. I scrolled down in the comments to see if anyone mentioned that. Because if you didn’t, then I was going to. So thanks!
Did they really say that, or is that just something they WOULD say? I believe it.
Ha ha, I see what you did there and I love it. Nice one. I’m on your side. Fuck the sun, its too damn hot!
I love your mom’s line so much it should be a plaque in my house. I have numerous family members like this (luckily, not my parents) and I have to keep reminding myself not to argue with them. All it does is suck you in and you have nothing to show for it.
That sounds really interesting! And I love anything Octavia does. This is off topic, but my son really, REALLY loves her Ninja Detective series. Is there anything this woman can’t do??
What you learn about trolls: they give a fuck about ANYTHING. Its almost impressive.
oh, and the chafing! Not here to kink-shame, tho. You do you, Juliette.
Is Juliette about to announce her marriage to trees? I am up for people marrying anything or anyone that they want, as long as it’s not themselves.
I sometimes wonder how a cooked human would taste. Are we delicious? I’m not planning to find out, it’s just mental meandering.
That made me giggle.
I worship the Lizard Gods. You anger the Lizard Gods at your own peril.
Don’t answer these idiots. I have a brother in law like this. Up is down, black is white, innocent is guilty. You gotta just ignore them because arguing the obvious only seems to puff them up and then they’re harder to get rid of. Like mosquito bites, if you stop itching, it’ll go away faster.
Must be nice. They have lots of friends.
I’ve never been on BART but when I was 15 on the NYC subway a guy was sitting across from me and a friend with his fly open, fully aroused, just grinning at us. We changed cars at the next stop but our attitude was kinda like, yeah, it must be Tuesday on the brooklyn-bound F train! What I’m trying to say is, city trans…
Worst. Movie. Ever.
OMG, that was my 1st thought too! You mean I’m not the only person who’s seen Office Space? Weird.
Absolutely correct. What a horrid, senseless tragedy and people should not try to make themselves feel better by saying “I never would have done that if I was in that situation” or whatever they’re saying.