
It depends on the circumstances. If she shoots him as he is walking in the door then no but if she shoots him while he is beating her then yes.

You are free to go pursue your happiness elsewhere.

He didn't commit a crime.

Such as

I respect that.


On what charges?

Nope. When defending oneself the principle of least force is to stop when the attacker is no longer a threat. I don’t care if that is four shots or thirty.

I believe Lampert was referring to the lying media. Why are you so violent?

No such precedent has been set.

If the situation were the same then yes I would support them. 

You do realize that victim implies guilt and you can’t imply that in a trial where the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

I am somewhere :)

My Latina wife would disagree with you.

And the racists--Leftists--will be defeated again.

Seathed but I can get it out damn quick.

Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. I sincerely hope I never have to use my knife and take measures to decrease that likelihood but if someone seeks to harm me and mine then it will come out and I will do everything in my power to stop that threat.

As well as the prowling charges for taking video of private cars at the police station or assaulting grandmother or a couple of other things that are sealed.

KR was found not guilty for one reason...the prosecution did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt the things they charged him with. Be mad at LittleBinger.

Not in any way.