
I had a classmate in college that OD’d on Caffeine during exam week. She was chain drinking Mountain Dew’s.

I thought that men needed to show their emotion more. Which is it?

Peterson wasn’t crying because someone based a character on him but at the plight of young men.

How many unsubstantiated rape claims did the Republicans drum up?

Free speech is not an absolute right and moving to a publicly funded campaign finance scheme doesn’t nullify any free speech.

I think you are mistaken about the first one. Any sane parent would demand that she not be confirmed on that basis alone. We have to protect our children from the “tolerance” of progressives.

Or we can make it illegal to donate to a political campaign and all candidates must use government provided funds to run their campaign.

Or people think it is wrong to make the racist assertion that because you are white that you are irredeemable. Just saying.

Republicans have been urbane and genteel compared to how Democrats acted in the last two confirmation hearings.

I didn’t watch any of the Playoffs or Super Bowl. Get woke go broke.

He couldn’t win 9 games when rushing QB’s were a novelty. Now that the league has had to adapt to the likes of Lamar Jackson--who is better in every aspect of the game--my guess is that he would be fortunate to win 4.

Stop being duped by the  prima donna, and mediocre QB that is Colin Kaepernick. The truth is that if he wanted to be in the NFL he could have taken any of the contracts that were offered to him. This latest “workout video” is nothing more than a stunt to continue his actual profession--that of a race hustling

Don’t you know it is hip to call anyone you don’t agree with a nazi? Antifa and the left does it all the time.

If the Russian army has 900,000 active members and 125000 are involved in the invasion then how is Ukraine facing 2/3 of the Russian army? 

Which is the overarching reason why he wants to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. America would not have tolerated Mexico joining the Warsaw Pact.

Nukes are not on the table. He doesn’t want to destroy himself which using nukes does.

Trouble is you’re not dealing with a rational enemy here, Putin is hell bent on reclaiming all of the Baltic states.”

Yep, the Ukraine is on their own. They needed a Churchill and got a bunch of Chamberlains.

I am completely against the Russian invasion of Ukraine but the real reason for the invasion is not an Antifa talking point about denazifying the country but about the steady progression of NATO to the Russian border. America also risked sparking WW3 when the Soviet Union put missiles in Cuba.

It would be interesting to see where the excess substance abuse and mental health deaths occurred. My guess is that it is in Democratic controlled areas. However, they will refuse to take responsibility for their lethal decisions. Cuomo is a great example of this.