The subtitle should be...How to survive the lying media and all the rubes who blindly believe the lies they are told.
The subtitle should be...How to survive the lying media and all the rubes who blindly believe the lies they are told.
It did prevail over the BLM terrorists threatening violence if they didn't get the verdict they wanted despite the facts to support a conviction were blatantly missing.
The state can’t appeal. Furthermore, there was nothing egregiously bias about the judge.
If Rittenhouse had been black and everything played out the way it did I and most people would argue it was self-defense not murder.
Do you level the same criticism to Grosskruetz? If not then your bias is showing.
Given that MSM lies are still being peddled here I doubt facts mean anything to them.
I carry a bushcraft knives with a five inch blade. This allows me to carry it anywhere I go. I am only aggressive when I have if someone threatens me. See mature people can be in possession of a deadly weapon and not be a threat to anyone that isn't a threat to them.
Probably nothing. Only in the minds of Leftists are people who disagree with them are automatically racist.
He didn’t need to. Each offered a threat to his life and bodily health.
He never crossed state lines with the rifle. If you had bothered to watch the trial you would know this.
You know the OK hand sign being equated to White Power was a 4chan hoax. Why are you soooo gullible?
His father lived in Kenosha. He worked in Kenosha. Stop lying about him not having ties to Kenosha.
Dark side as in the hundreds of thousands to millions of defensive gun uses per year according to the CDC?
Even after the trial you still peddle lies. He was in Kenosha because he worked the night before. The rifle never left Wisconsin. Thus, she couldn’t have dropped him off with the rifle.
Tbh, owning libs is not that hard. You just have to cite facts to them.
You do realize that the self-defense laws were on the books prior to the shootings. Furthermore, there is one and only one form of legalized murder in America and that is abortion.
I used that as an example of being able to take a picture with someone without believing everything that they believe. I never said that I had taken a picture with her.
I am willing to bet that people of all races have cried on the witness stand.
It isn’t murder if you are defending yourself. Anyone with wrinkles in their brain could watch the video and tell it was self-defense.
The BS was the “case” Littlebinger brought to court.