None of that negates his right to self defense. Look up the law. I did with a simple Google search.
None of that negates his right to self defense. Look up the law. I did with a simple Google search.
So, not automatically agreeing with you makes me a Nazi?
There is another flaw in your logic. If we keep all other things equal, Rittenhouse was in more danger from Rosenbaum if he didn’t have the rifle.
Per Wisconsin law 940.01:
Wisconsin statute 939.48 states “A person is privileged to threaten or intentionally use force against another for the purpose of preventing or terminating what the person reasonably believes to be an unlawful interference with his or her person by such other person. The actor may intentionally use only such force or…
Except he didn’t kill two unarmed people. He killed someone trying to take his firearm, another swung at his head with a blunt object (skateboard), and the third was holding a pistol. Please get your facts straight.
Rittenhouse lived a few miles from Kenosha and worked in Kenosha. The gun wasn’t from IL.
If I chased you down and tried to take your firearm would you not consider me a danger to yourself?
Evidence either are actual Nazis?
How about perpetrators of attacks with deadly force.
Then the prosecution should be wearing a Black Power Fist. After all, these charges should never have been brought and the only reason they were is because the DA wanted to appease the Leftist mob.
The only victim was Rittenhouse. You can’t attack someone with deadly force and then claim to be a victim when that person defends themself.
If Rittenhouse was black and in the same situation I would still call it self-defense. Perhaps the biggest lie in America right now is that all white people are racist.
I will see your F*cks and raise you F*ck the rioters for rioting for a criminal scumbag in Jacob Blake who should face charges for his crimes and F*ck Rosenbaum, Huber, and Gruess-whatever his name is for trying to kill someone.
There is video evidence to label Rosenbaum and Huber as arsonist and rioters. There is no video evidence showing that Rittenhouse victimized them.
Let’s not forget that Rosenbaum--the first deceased--was chasing Rittenhouse and tried to take his firearm. Thus, Rosenbaum presented a credible threat to the life of Rittenhouse.
He looked pretty fresh-faced because he exercised his right to self-defense.
Instead of criticizing the judge perhaps you should be criticizing the DA for bringing such ludicrous charges to begin with.
No evidence other than videos showing them being rioters and arsonists?
Tbh, I was scrolling through to find a comment that I just the saw the notification for.