An amputation doesn’t destroy a genetically unique human being. Your argument is so extremely weak that it ought to be an embarrassment to you.
An amputation doesn’t destroy a genetically unique human being. Your argument is so extremely weak that it ought to be an embarrassment to you.
The convenience of the mother.
Actually it does because disease and cancer do not constitute a genetically unique human being.
If a bacteria is life on Mars how is a heartbeat not life on Earth?
TBH, if you go to these lengths to steal from your employer which is what “fake work” is then you should be fire and should be barred from collecting unemployment--stealing from tax payers--because of the criminal activity resulting in termination.
Stop the cows from farting and save the world.
I suppose but always remember “If it bleeds it leads.”
Agreed. I will stand with BLM if and only if the facts of the case warrant such actions. The vast majority do not.
TBH, I am a bit surprised as well that it made it through the filter as well but I am glad it did.
Non-violent but un-intelligent.
And those on the doorsteps are even bigger idiots than AOC. They were chanting the name of a man that opened fire on cops and who the cops immediately rendered aid to and had transported to the hospital. In other words, they were upset that someone died in a justified police shooting. However, it should not be…
Too bad the dress is a lie. The rich are already taxed. One can have an intelligent conversation about the rate at which the rich are taxed but I don’t credit AOC with having a high degree of intelligence.
I am fairly certain having her cake and eating too is her normal MO.
BLM needs to discriminate more in the cases that they champion. Rosado was shot after he fired on cops. The cops rendered aid and had him transported to the hospital. What exactly was unjust about this?
Or we could stop raising our kids to be soft. I fear for the future because of the soft kids that are being raised. I had a fifth grade teacher that was an absolute bitch and I came home and cried a couple of times. But my parents didn't coddle me. They said you are going to deal with people like her throughout your…
@SlutPanic yes. Show how brilliant you are to the word with such insightful and nuanced responses to a reasonable statement with “Go fuck yourself”
If abortionists are murderers then they should face murder charges and have their day in court. I realize that encountering someone with the capacity for nuanced thought may be a rarity in your social circles and that you are having a hard time understanding what it is going on. But please do try your best.
God prohibits murder. It's one of the Ten Commandments.
“It genuinely makes me wonder how many of these pro-life protesters have to deal with crushing debt, poverty and working multiple jobs to feed 3 kids they were forced to have.”