Why is it unreasonable to expect adults—I’ll give some leeway to teens because they are more subject to their hormones—to consider the consequences of their actions and apply some self-discipline to their lives?
Supporters of red flag laws need to remember the same.
I am right there with ya. They are adult enough to have unprotected sex but aren't adult enough to take responsibility for the consequences of that decision.
Do you support red flag statutes? If so then your whole witch hunt line is dung.
I am being consistent. Of course, it may require some thought on your part.
As a human she had the choice not to have unprotected sex. The end is the same but there isn't a murdered han as the means.
Actually, I have a better example...red flag laws.
I don’t understand what the issue is. None of these measures prohibit anyone from voting. It affects the process by which you vote but those two things are not the same.
Y'all keep saying this and it never pans out.
I do agree that we need to move away from the majority party drawing the congressional districts.
I find it funny that abortion bans are racist when Planned Parenthood was started by a racist, eugenics enthusiast, Nazi admirer and Jesse Jackson said that abortion was black genocide and that treating a human being as property to do with as you wish was the basis of slavery.
“All of this is fucking moot anyway, and I don’t know why I bother going down this road with zealots...”
Hold on. Trump shut down travel from China (I am not saying if it was effective or not) and Biden called him Xenophobic for it. Then I do seem to remember the Trump administration closing down the country. Remember the whole “Two weeks to slow the spread”? So, I don’t understand what you are talking about.
Would you say the same thing about someone who refuses to get the Flu shot? After all, Covid is headed to that kind of a situation.
“I know vaccination is the only way out of this mess. We can’t social distance and mask up forever.”
Do liberals really sit around fretting about how conservatives will interpert their message?
Catholicism is against vaccines that use stem cells.
I was going to be against your “ I don’t give a damn, go stab them unwillingly or tell them to hit the road” until I read the next sentence. Yeah, it is pretty stupid for nursing home employees to not be vaccinated.