The last thing we need to have is an ad campaign for murder.
The last thing we need to have is an ad campaign for murder.
Yes, abortion providers were saying lets kill as many babies as possible before doing so hurts our bottom line.
You are child free because you chose to murder your child rather than take responsibility for your actions. However, thank you for giving us anecdotal evidence that the biggest reason for abortions is the convenience of the mother.
I am pro-life and I see my wife as something more than a cum receptacle.
Can you provide a modern person actually saying this?
I definitely agree with you about the hypocrisy of pro-life politicians who often tout their religious credentials who then pay for their mistress to have an abortion. BTW, I am pro-life.
Can you quote one pro-lifer that says this?
Which political party is destroying the nuclear family and limiting the child’s potential in life? Oh yeah, Democrats. Stop calling the kettle black.
No one thinks that pregnancy is a punishment to a woman for having sex. Pregnancy is a consequence to having unprotected sex. If a woman--ideally both the man and the woman but seeing as how men have no say in the decision to murder their child the comment is going to be limited to women--chooses to have unprotected…
I would rather have this duality than support murderous and extremely detrimental policies like Democrats do.
We can also flip this, if a woman—or man—doesn’t want a child or is unable to adequately support a child then why have sex? Go get a toy. It is cheaper, more hygienic, and doesn’t run the risk of pregnancy. Similarly, if a man doesn’t want to risk getting a woman pregnant he can masturbate.
Probably quite a few. I am pro-life and I am living pay check to pay check with two kids.
I am pro-life and I support the child after birth by supporting programs that promote the nuclear family (the best way to raise a child and something that the Left is against); excellent educational opportunities where teachers aren’t telling POC’s that they are not as good as another kid because of their skin color…
The same point can be made about women...stop spreading your legs and letting men ejaculate in you.
Yes, women murder their children for their own convenience.
Want to reduce abortions then don’t have unprotected sex. Simple solution.
You do realize that Catholics hold Adam primarily responsible for Original Sin because he did not protect Eve from the temptations of Satan.
If it is nobody’s business other than her’s then don’t be upset when people hold her accountable. Also, a man—not just a male—is faced with the consequences of having unprotected sex—something he can say no to as well—and will provide for and protect both the pregnant mother and the child.
She chose to have sex. The result of that choice should not be murdered as a result.
Abortion murders an embryonic human.