
If a woman doesn’t want to have a child then the answer is simple...don’t have sex. Go and buy a toy.

People are dying as a result of abortion. The best way to not die is to not have sex unless you can practice safe sex.

Condoms are cheap. Self-discipline is free.

If someone is not ready to face the challenge of motherhood they should not have sex instead of murdering an embryonic human for the sake of their convenience.

I am pro-life and I think that we should have comprehensive sex education albeit with abstinence as the primary means of pregnancy/std prevention. I also think that contraception should be available even though I don’t use contraception in my marriage.

Comparing the Republican Party to the Taliban is erroneous and specious. It is the hallmark of a mind that can’t come up with something better.

So, let me get this straight she chose to be a sex worker and planned on having an abortion if she ever got pregnant as a result of her chosen work. How is this not murder?

Rape and incest comprise ~1.5% of abortions. Do you want to try again?

It’s time for us to start expecting that to be the outcome and planning accordingly.”

The difference is that an inter-racial marriage doesn’t end a life.

It won’t happen because abortion is murder and every human being including embryonic humans have a right to life. Just as I can’t murder a woman a woman shouldn’t be able to murder an embryonic human.

I somewhat support this bill and I agree with you that we need to do a better job of investigating rape cases. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.

I have refuted your flawed logic three or four times now. However, I will do it once again.

There was no magical thinking. Amputations and biopsy’s don’t kill the entire human being. Abortion does. It is quite a simple distinction. 

They should have considered the possible consequences of having unprotected sex before having unprotected sex. Simply because a pregnancy born from irresponsibility doesn't give anyone the right to murder a human being.

The metaphor was not racist. It merely pointed out the absurdity of the position that a human needs to be out of the womb to have rights. I know that racism is the accusation Leftists typically hurl at people when they can't respond to what was actually written but it is tiresome and wildly inaccurate.

Citation for the previous claim.

On the convenience of the mother.

Cancer is not a human life whereas the American Pediatric Association states that life begins at conception. Thus, abortion is murder because a zygote is not just a clump of cells but a genetically unique individual in an early stage of development. Murdering it is not morally different than you killing me.

The duration of early voting varies on the state. So, it could be weeks in some states and months in others.