
The problem lies in the third premise. Is the purpose or intention of the fetus to harm the mother? Yes complications can happen when two individuals live in such close proximity as it did with my wife and her gestational diabetes. However, it is not a general feature of being pregnant like the general feature of a

LOL. You accuse the right of depravity? The right isn’t the ones supporting the killing of babies, we are not guilty of racism of low expectations, we do not base our positions on the sexual exploitation of children as is the case with gender theory; we are not in favor of economically enslaving people to the

Thanks Doctor make-shit-up-to-fit-your-narrative!”

You made an erroneous claim about Jesus saying sex is bad and I corrected you. However, if you had a religious education then you would be able to provide scripture disproving my refutation of the comment you made. Also, if the comment is off topic then why did you bring it up?

If you can't pick apart the analogy without calling someone a racist then you shouldn't comment as there was nothing racist about the analogy.

You keep mentioning dogma and principle. Have you considered the fact that you are doing the same thing?

I think you need to study what logic actually is. Human cells die all the time. Abortion kills a human being. Can you see the difference?

Incorrect. Allowing institutions of murder to be sued and to pay the court costs will severely injure the financial health of the murder for profit and, hopefully, drive them out of business.

The time that the my body my choice logic works is when the decision is made to have unprotected sex.

The father should have a say in the decision to murder or not murder their child and it is their child as well. Now, this is not to say that there aren’t men who would either agree or not care but there are many more men out there that would take responsibility for their actions and opt to have the child. But you

Yes, I do believe that the majority of unintended pregnancies are a result of people—both men and women—being irresponsible in the act of having sex. Also, having a child does often make men and women more responsible as it did for me.

Are you painting all pro-lifers with the same brush. I guess you have to because your position falls apart when you argue with a slightly intelligent person.

Your parasite analogy is flawed and the flaw can be found in the definition you gave.

You claim that because you consider a fetus a clump of cells it gives someone the right to kill it. However, what are you other than a larger clump of cells? If I view you that way does that mean I have a right to kill the clump of cells that is you? Again, if a single bacteria is life on Mars how is a genetically

The choice came when the man and woman had unprotected sex. A life should not be ended on the alter of a woman's convenience.

I agree that nobody here has been able to refute my position.

There is a slight difference between a parasite and a baby. 

Condoms are cheap and available at virtually gas stations, grocery stores, and pharmacies.

Let me fix this for you...

If someone is too irresponsible to properly use a condom, stop having sex when it breaks, or take pills on a regular schedule then perhaps they are too irresponsible to be having sex because of the consequences inherent to sex...mainly creating a life.