
When Mr. Trump is not watching television in his bathrobe...

Guys, we’re missing a real big point here: Donald’s father’s name was Fredrick Christ Trump.

I really don’t understand why the press isn’t properly trolling and baiting him, as he’ll fall for the hook every single time. Why not ask a question like “do you think there were a significant amount of African-Americans among the millions you claimed voted illegally in the past election?”, then sit back and watch

Yapping show dog pisses all over country, is unsure why humans are upset.

Where is a carpenter paying $6k?? I’m calling bullshit on that.

Suddenly all those 2nd amendment nuts are making some good points.

My husband and I are compiling lists of countries that are good for expats if you want to move even further away. Sigh.

Lunch? What kind of communist shit is this? You get your parents to give you $10 every day and shop at one of our fine on-campus fast food restaurants.

Throw in a blu-ray of UHF and you’ve sold me.

Ronda Rousey was always overrated, and the second she saw an opponent higher up the ladder than Glass Joe, they made mincemeat of her face. She should retire from fighting, and chase her dream of being a top-tier competitive Pokemon player.

i wish when i lied that i was able to believe myself as well as drumpf does when he lies.

Why doesn’t Hillary issue an apology for blowing a layup and admit that Bernie would have won.

Don’t these guys also love The Matrix, which is a movie about a half-Asian guy, a black man, and a woman fighting an army of white dudes? (Which was made by a couple of men who later became transgender women.)

So are humans. Please neuter yourself and spay your wife.

What’s wrong with the Mid-city Cucks?

This is a great distillation of the problems with most efforts to “fight poverty.” I work for a nonprofit that works in the anti-poverty sphere (and which even relies heavily on federal grants that are explicitly for “anti-poverty” use). But pretty much all of the anti-poverty efforts modern nonprofits use rely on


I hope he spends the next four years more miserable than ever before in his life. I hope he can’t sleep and stress eats, and then gains weight and can’t fit in his suits. I hope the job ages him so badly his hair gives up completely and he can’t harass women quite so much because his dick is permanently limp. I hope