
Oh right! He does, he does.

Bernie Sanders also opposed the IRAQ war when it was bad for your career to do so and pretty much predicted ISIS.


I’ve posted this here before so forgive the repetition. A note written by her husband of 56 years days before he died. Every time I see the graciousness and humanity in Ms. Ginsburg, I think of this note. He truly was her counterpart. Her rock, her love and her biggest supporter. I also have tears well up every time.

Shut your stupid fucking mouth, you trust fund, nepotistic, born into privilege, entitled, condescending, disingenous, pretending to be Mexican, piece of shit.

That whole “training a baby” analogy — so very condescending. You’re talking about adult humans, for Christ’s sake. People with adult human feelings and such, not shit-spewing babies in a crib. That kind of plays into my earlier comment about how the ghoster may actually get off on the whole thing — it makes them feel

Now playing

Unfortunately, stupid attitudes haven’t really changed in 50 years. Women were only allowed to compete in the bobsled starting in 2002 because they were deemed “fragile”.

dank memes

Oh for the love of god, lady, there's is no need for all this verbal diarrhea.

It's very nice that you found an environment in which you are happy, but I do wish people would stop deferring to evolution every single time. The people who write books and push the idea that humans "evolved" or "didn't evolve" to be monogamous or play football or drive a Toyota Cressida do so with very flimsy

-Remember that time I wrote a poorly-worded and confusing email to you that was just a hair under the length of the Infinite Jest?

-I do, ole chap! I had such a silly haircut back then. Welp, let's bury the hatchet and get back to completely ruining the entire fucking world.

Come on — they'll both have a good laugh about this at the I-bank in 5 years after they've just closed the big merger that will put 16,000 people out of work....

I make this appetizer that is bacon-wrapped onion rings. You take an onion, slice it into rings and tightly wrap bacon strips around the ring. Then you bake them slow, on a low heat. Here's a picture:

It's been several years and I still laugh every time I think of this old "Drunken Hookup Failure" from Magary's old weekly feature on Deadspin (…):

The phrase "fur babies" makes me viscerally ill.

Dude, just buy prostitutes like all the other gringos.

Homeopaths without Borders? Aromatherapists without Borders?

New reality show concept: all of these hucksters should be sent to Liberia, infected with Ebola, and then given the opportunity to demonstrate whose cure works the fastest. The celebrity host can be Jenny McCarthy.

Thank god someone has spoken out! My neighbor is addicted to these things. He actually sits in a chair and swings his arm to increase the "steps" he took that day. Its an addiction. He tells me his numbers "go through the roof" when he jerks off, as the bracelet is on his main working hand. And yet he wonders why